Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875–1876 is a compilation of addresses taken from letters as they passed through the various post offices of the colony.
In 1875 at Bells Creek1Greville’s Official Post Office directory for 1875–1876 Accessed 18 February 2023, pp 49 and 50. the Grevilles Directory lists 24 miners, two innkeepers, two carriers, and a Gold Commissioner, a carpenter, a contractor, a Postmaster, a sawyer, and a wood carter. Six persons were engaged in farming.
Carpenter – Lee, John.
Contractor – Poppenhager, Stephen.
Farmer – Dolero, Carlo; Maloney, Daniel; Maher, Phillip; Maher, William; Realini, Augustus; Rusconi, Pietro.
Gold Commissioner – Forysth, Thomas.
Innkeeper – Heeger, Charles [Mountain Inn]; Maher, Thomas [Rose, Shamrock and Thistle]
Postmaster – Crego, C.
Sawyer – McDonald, Donald.
Wood Carter – Atkins, William.
Not recorded – Burke, Edward; Blatchford, J.H.; Burne, Henry P.M.
Atkinson, Edward; Barclay, Alexander; Burney, John, B.; Crozier, William; Christy, Alexander; Cook, George; Dolph, Eugene; Fleming, James; Gray, John; Hunt, William Sen; Hunt, William jun; Junee, James; Lowes, John; Littrel, John; Manning, W; Moore, Thomas; Potten, George; Prior, Patrick; Patton, Hamilton; Parf, O; Scotten, George; Taylor, Alexander; Taylor, William; Wilson, George.