Noel’s occupation and marital status on enlistment was detailed as a grazier, a station hand, who was single.

- Date of Birth – 10 July 19211NSW Birth Death and Marriages, Birth 38503/1921 Byrne Cecil J, Parents Leonard O and Maud M, Registered in Goulburn. Accessed 24 March 2024.
- Parents – Leonard Oswald and Maud Mary Granger.2Commonwealth War Graves, Accessed 24 March 2024.
- Enlisted – Goulburn on 20 November 1940 and embarked from Sydney, on board the ship Gorgon as a sheep hand on 2 April 1943.
- Regimental Number – N51413National Archives of Australia. NAA: B884, Granger, Noel Ross, Item ID– 5576560, Accessed 24 March 2024.
- Aged at embarkation – 19
- Military service – 7th Australian Light Horse, 7th Australian Motor, 4th Australian Auxiliary Heavy Transport Company. Rank – Private, Driver. Noel was awarded the 1939/1945 Star, Pacific Star, War Medal and Australia Service Medal.4Virtual War Memorial Australia, Accessed 22 March 2024.
- Died of wounds as result of enemy aircraft, at Milne Bay on 15 April 1943, aged 21, in Papua New Guinea5Australian War Memorial, Accessed 24 March 2024.
- Buried – Bomana War Cemetery, Bomana, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.6Find a Panel 81, on a monument at the Australian War Memorial, Campbell. Accessed 22 March 2024.
Noel was the youngest son of Leonard Oswald Granger and Maud Mary Bayley. They had four children – Rex; Iris; Noel and Audrey. Leonard Granger was born at Gunning and followed farming pursuits all his life, owning a property ‘East Gundary7Goulburn Evening Post (NSW: 1940-1954), Thursday 11 November 1943, p 2. and with his son Rex, farmed at Yang Yalley in Araluen. Molly Keys8Molly Keys, Bellbirds and Blowflies, A bush girl’s Diary, 1942-1946 Quirindi Newspaper Company Pty. Limited, Quirindi. 2343. 1990. p 9. published her bush girl’s diaries, 1942-1946, written from her home at Neringla. An introductory entry, dated early 1940, noted ‘The boys, sometimes with Noel Granger from Yang Yalley next door, used to go out on dark nights, with strong lanterns’, and catch eels in the Neringla Creek.
Noel’s older brother Rex (1916-1994) was born on 13 August 1916 in Gunning, and served in WWII. Rex enlisted in Araluen on 20 January 1942 and was discharged, Service Number N377501, as a Private, on 2 August 1944.9National Archives of Australia. NAA: B884, Granger Rex Leonard, Item ID– 6161545. Accessed 19 April 2024. 10Rex Granger enlisted 20 January 1942 Private, N377501 and was Discharged 2 August 1944, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Private, N377501, 14th (NSW) Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC). Virtual War Memorial Australia, Accessed 19 April 2024.
The Goulburn Evening Post11Goulburn Evening Post (NSW : 1940-1954), Monday 3 May 1943, p 2. reported in May 1943 ‘GOULBURN MAN Died of Wounds. Mr and Mrs L. O. Granger of 18 Mundy Street have been advised by the Minister for the Army that their son, Driver Noel Ross Granger, 21, died as a result of recent enemy action in New Guinea. It is thought that Driver Granger received wounds from a Japanese air raid while aboard a transport vessel in the Milne Bay area. He died the day following the raid. A member of a well-known Goulburn family, he was known throughout the southern parts of the State, particularly in pastoral areas. Born in this city, Dvr. [Driver] Granger was educated at the South Goulburn Public School and the Goulburn High School. After completing school studies he joined his father in grazing interests, working first at Gundary and later at an Araluen property [Yang Yalley]. A good horseman, the Goulburn man was attached to the 7th Light Horse Unit from Braidwood for some time, later transferring to work in the northern war theatre. He was engaged on transport work between Sydney and New Guinea, being in charge of livestock consigned for the troops on active service. Besides his parents, he is survived by one brother, Rex (Araluen), and two sisters, Iris and Audrey (Goulburn).’

In an entry dated 23 April, Molly Keys12Keys, Bellbirds and Blowflies, A bush girl’s Diary, p 57. wrote in her diary, ‘Noel is dead … he was home on leave only seven weeks ago … it came as a shock as he enlisted with [her brothers ] Bob and Jack [Gunning] … His death in action has come to us as the first real war. May I always remember him as a merry generous boy … I wonder if he did get the letter I wrote him about 3 weeks ago. He was 21. Private Granger N.R. Killed April 1943.’ Molly 13Keys, Bellbirds and Blowflies, A bush girl’s Diary, p 61. later added ‘A few more details of Noels death. His boat was moored in Milne Bay. A bomb hit the moorings and the boat drifted out to sea. A direct hit killed the doctor instantly and injured others including Noel. Because of the doctors death Noel could not be given attention until the boat pulled ashore some time later … Noel had been caring for sheep being shipped from Australia to Milne Bay for feeding troops. He had my letter in his pocket when he died.’
The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal14Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 7 May 1943, p 2. reported in May 1943 ‘ROLL OF HONOUR – The latest casualty list includes the name of Driver Noel Ross Granger, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Granger, of Goulburn, who died of wounds sustained in enemy action in New Guinea. It is believed he was wounded during a Japanese raid on a transport vessel in the Milne Bay area. The young soldier, who was just 21 years old, was a particularly fine type. He was well known in this district, having spent some time working with his brother on his father’s property at Yang Yalley, Araluen.
The young man made many friends, his happy, generous nature and care-free outlook on life making him popular wherever he went. He was a good horseman, and had been attached to the Braidwood troop of the Seventh Light Horse for some time. Here, too, he was most popular, and was one of its most competent members. While in New Guinea reports filtered through to this district from time to time of his activities there, different local boys referring to him in their letters. Even over there in the midst of the many hardships and dangers the young man’s fine character was not submerged. His great unselfishness was often referred to his concern for the welfare of his comrades was ever uppermost in his thoughts. Touching stories are revealed of this splendid young man’s solicitude and consideration for his mates. Truly, he was a typical Anzac, and that is paying him the finest compliment in the world. Besides his parents, he is survived by one brother, Rex (Araluen) and two sisters, Iris and Audrey (Goulburn), to whom we extend our most sincere sympathy.’