Cecil’s occupation and marital status on enlistment was detailed as a labourer, engine driver, who was single.

- Date of Birth – 20 April 1913.1NSW Birth Death and Marriages, https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/ Birth 19721/1913, Masters, Cecil, T., Parents William A and Esther A, Registered in Adaminaby. Death 9031/1944, Masters, Cecil, Theo, Parents William Alfred and Esther, Registered in Goulburn. Accessed 24 March 2024.
- Parents – William Alfred and Easter [Esther] A. Masters, Redbank Araluen.
- Enlisted at Braidwood on 2 September 1941.2Department of Veterans Affairs, DVA’s Nominal Rolls, https://nominal-rolls.dva.gov.au/veteran?id=341374&c=WW2#R Accessed 29 April 2024.
- Regimental Number – N2428423National Archives of Australia. https://www.naa.gov.au/. NAA: B884, Masters, Cecil Theo, Item ID–5563695, Accessed 24 March 2024.
- Aged at embarkation – 28.
- Military service – 59 Australian Corps. Rank – Sapper, Private.4Virtual War Memorial Australia, https://vwma.org.au/explore/people/1269188 Accessed 24 March 2024.
- Medically discharged on 23 November 1942.
- Died 19 June 1944, at Goulburn District Hospital, Goulburn.
William Alfred Masters (1874-1936)5William Masters died – 19 February 1936. NSW Birth Death and Marriages, https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/ Death 4183/1936 Masters, William Alfred, Parents Charles and Mary Ann Registered in Newtown. married Esther Adeliza James (1881-1958) in 1905 at Yass. William and Esther had six children—Henry William (Harry [R.A.A.F.]); Albert (Captain’s Flat); Ellen (Mrs. S. Byrne [Araluen]); Cecil; Gladys (Mrs. L. Ehlers [Nowra]) and Charles Ross [Bungendore]).
Two of Cecil’s brothers Henry (Harry [R.A.A.F.]), and Charles Ross, also served in WWII.
- Henry William Masters : Service Number – 136742: Date of birth – 10 August 1906. Place of birth – Yass, NSW. Henry enlisted on 27 August 1943 and was discharged from the Royal Australian Air Force on 17 January 1946.6National Archives of Australia. https://www.naa.gov.au/. NAA: A9301, Masters, Henry William, Item ID–5348781, accessed 26 April 2024. 7Virtual War Memorial Australia, https://vwma.org.au/explore/people/1593149, accessed 26 April 2024. Enlisted – 27 August 1943. 17 January 1946: Discharged Royal Australian Air Force, Leading Aircraftman, 136742, Aircraft / Repair / Salvage Depots.
- Charles Ross Masters : Service Number – N377487: Date of birth – 22 August 1916. Place of birth – Adaminaby NSW. Charles enlisted 28 January 1942 and was discharged 20 September 1945.8National Archives of Australia. https://www.naa.gov.au/. NAA: B884, Masters, Charles Ross, Item ID–6161673, accessed 26 April 2024. 9Virtual War Memorial Australia, https://vwma.org.au/explore/people/1446511, accessed 26 April 2024. Enlisted – 28 January 1942. 20 September 1945: Discharged Australian Military Forces (Army WWII), Private, N377487, 14th (NSW) Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC).
Cecil was detailed as a dairy hand, residing with his mother Esther Adeliza Masters at Benmaring (Benmanang) Araluen on the electoral roll in 1936. In the 1943 electoral roll he is detailed as a dairy hand residing in Redbank, prior to his move to Goulburn as a mechanic.

The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal10Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 23 June 1944, p 2. reported in June 1944 ‘Residents of Araluen were shocked on Monday when they heard of the death that morning of Mr. Cecil Theo (“Digger”) Masters. He was in Goulburn on Sunday engaged on his normal work, but took suddenly ill on Sunday night. He was admitted to the Goulburn District Hospital early on Monday morning and passed away a few hours after admission. Aged only 29, “Digger”, as he was affectionately called, will be missed in Araluen where he spent much of his life.’
An obituary for Cecil Theo Masters was published in the Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal11Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 30 June 1944, p 2. published on 30 June 1944 stated ‘the death occurred in the Goulburn District Hospital of Mr. Cecil Theo Masters, aged 30, on 19th inst. [June 1944] He died a few hours after being admitted to the hospital. A native of Bolaro, near Adaminaby, he was a son of the late Mr. William Masters and Mrs. E. A. Masters. He came to Araluen with his parents and other members of the family about 14 years ago, when they were engaged in the dairying industry at Benmanang, supplying milk to the Araluen Co-operative Cheese Factory. Later he was employed by Mr. W. U. Alley at “Bettowynd”. Prior to entering, the military service he was an engine driver on the Glen Innes Dredging Co.’s dredge. After his discharge from the Army he entered the employ of Lockwood Motors, Pty., Ltd., Goulburn, as a mechanic, and he was with that firm for two years until his death. “Digger,” as he was affectionately called, was well liked and highly respected by all. His hobby was engineering, and he was happy when he was repairing machinery and engines. He was always too busy to engage in any active sport, yet he assisted every worthy cause in the district. The deceased was unmarried. He is survived by his mother, who lives in Yass, three brothers and two sisters. The brothers are Messrs. Harry (R.A.A.F.), Albert (Captain’s Flat), Ross (Bungendore). Mrs. S. Byrne (Araluen) and Mrs. L. Ehlers (Nowra) are sisters. The funeral took place in Goulburn on Tuesday, 20th inst [June 1944].’