Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875–1876 is a compilation of addresses taken from letters as they passed through the various post offices of the colony. It was adverrtised for sale in April 1875 for 1 guinea1Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 – 1912), Saturday 17 April 1875, page 504.
The Directory lists Araluen and also Upper Araluen, Bells Creek and other localities in the district. Araluen is described as a mining township of about 3500 people, 201 miles south west from Sydney, approximately 15 miles from Braidwood. Offices listed are Post, Telegraph, Government Savings, Bank and Maney Orders2Greville’s Official Post Office directory for 1875 – 1876 https://www.ihr.com.au/secure/html/greville75.html. Accessed 18 Feb 2023. It is described:
The township is situated in a valley on the banks of the Araluen [river] and in flood times much inconvenience is experienced. The main street is about a mile and a half in length, and contains some good buildings, about fourteen of which are hotels – the principal ones being the Araluen Arms and the London Tavern. There are branches of the Oriental, New South Wales and Joint Stock Banks and the hospital is one of the finest buildings. There are also an English Church, Roman Catholic Chapel, a building used by Wesleyans and Presbyterians and an Odd Fellows’ hall.

The listings are divided into Araluen, and Upper Araluen, with over 369 entries listing names and occupations, with approximately 240 miners, and another 45+ occupations listed (Occupation – Surname, First Name), as listed below.
At Upper Araluen, which included Newtown and Bourketown, there were 93 miners, four innkeepers, four storekeepers, three teachers, two hairdressers, two butchers, a bootmaker, saddler, cooper and a blacksmith.
At middle and lower Araluen3Barry McGowan. The Golden South. A History of the Araluen, Bells Creek and Majors Creek Goldfields. Capital Fine Print, Canberra. 2000. p92 which included Redbank, there were 146 miners, eight storekeepers, two grocers, four blacksmiths, eight innkeepers, three carriers, two dealers, seven bootmakers, two saddlers, two tailors, two tanners, six engineers, three bakers, five butchers, an undertaker, fruiter, farrier, veterinary surgeon and tinsmith. Only ten persons were engaged in farming.
At Bells Creek, there were 24 miners, two innkeepers, two carriers, and a Gold Commissioner, carpenter, contractor, Postmaster, sawyer, and wood carter. Six persons were engaged in farming.

- Bailiff – Taylor, George, Burketown.
- Baker – O’Reilly, James; Wicks, Henry; Wilson, William.
- Blacksmith – Biggs, William; Curran, James; Matthias, Frank; Ralph, Joseph; Turner, William.
- Bootmaker – Campbell, Robert; Charlwood, Samuel; Cole, David; Donnellan, Patrick; Fitzgerald, Robert; Johnson, Francis; Metcalf, W; Newman, Daniel.
- Bricklayer – White, Daniel.
- Butcher – Jury, Marshall; McFadden, Patrick; McFadden, Thomas; Saunders, Richard; Smith, Edmund; Smithard, John; Thompson, Henry.
- Carpenter – Pedrini, Peter.
- Carrier – Atkins, William; Flood, John; Greenwood, Alfred.
- Carter– Donnnelly, John.
- Chemist – Walton, Louis.
- Contractor – Manna, George P.
- Cooper – Elhore, Frederick.
- Dealer – Chessworth, John; O’Sullivan, Martin; Pigthorn, James.
- Engineer – Burke, Stephen; Colls, James; Cunningham, Lawrence; Fletcher, Abraham; Kingsland, George; Maxwell, John; Sneddon, Alexander; Young, James.
- Farmer – Bruce, W.B.; Cornall, Cornelius; Delponte, Faustino; Dempsey, Cornelius; Goodenough, E.; Salvid, F.
- Farrier– Curran, James.
- Fruiterer – Smithard, Edmund.
- Gardener – Ansell, William; Cranston, Peter; Metcalf, William.
- Gold Commissioner – Mullens, John, H.
- Groom – Currie, Alexander; Newman, Thomas.
- Grazier – Mallon, Henry; Mallon, James; Mallon, John; Mallon, Michael.
- Grocer – Alley, Ernest W.; Alley, Trevor.
- Hairdresser – Kay, John; Marshall, James.
- Innkeeper – Armstrong, James [Peace and Plenty]; Atkins, William [Pick and Shovel]; Brissett, Joseph [The Rising Sun]; Burke, William [Horse and Jockey]; Costello, Pierce [Star Inn]; Grimshaw, J [Happy Valley Inn]; Hogan, John M [Free Selection Inn]; Hoskings, Anthony [Rose and Crown]; Johnson, W.H [Araluen Arms]; Peace, Thomas [Thistle Hotel]; Woodward, John [Lamb Inn].
- Market Gardener – McCowan, Bernard.
- Manager Bank of NSW – Voller, J.W.
- Accountant Bank of NSW – Close E.C.
- Manager Oriental Bank – Price, Hamilton.
- Newsagent – Short, George.
- Postmaster– Brown, Frederick.
- Reverend – Llewellyn, Thomas (Baptist).
- Saddler– Brew, Frank; Cooke, George. F.; Thomas, Michael;
- Sawyer – Taylor, John; Taylor, Joseph.
- Settler– Grant, Frank.
- Storekeeper – Bennison, Frank; Bennison, William; Coote, Charles; Doherty, Dominick; Ellis, John; Faulkner, Thomas; Hickey, Michael; Lloydstrom, Erick; Maher, James; Spieer, Jason.
- Storekeepers Assistant– Atkinson, Thos. R.
- Tailor – Hall, Thomas; Worth, James.
- Tanner– Charlwood, Daniel; Charlwood, Walter.
- Teacher – Auld, Thomas; Luby, Bernard; McCurley, Thomas; McNaught, Thomas; Sherman, William.
- Teamster – Dear, Robert.
- Tinsmith – Dwyer, Stephen.
- Undertaker – Lewis, Frank.
- Veterinary Surgeon – Tuttehue, William.
- Waterman – Maloney, Lot; Sanderson, George; Tierney, Edward.
- Wheelwright – Halliday, John; Woodman-Armstrong, Thomas.