A listing in Greville’s Official Post Office Directory 18721Greville’s Official Post Office Directory, listed on Araluen History in Photo’s Facebook page, posted 2 July 2014, and accessed 9 September 2023. records the names and seventeen occupations of the ninety (90+) plus individuals listed as residing at Burketown and Upper Araluen.
Listing is Last name, First name and locality (either Upper Araluen, or Burketown), with an asterisk (*) to record if the individual was also detailed at that location in the later 1875 Directory.
- Blacksmith – O’Mealley, Denis, Burketown.
- Bootmaker – Newman, Daniel, Burketown*.
- Butcher – Ross, David, Burketown. Ross, Kenneth, Burketown. Smithard, John, Burketown*.
- Carter – Crain, Joseph, Burketown.
- Cooper – Elhore, Frederick, Upper Araluen*.
- Farrier – Wilkinson, Joseph, Burketown.
- Gold Commissioner – Mullens, John, H. Burketown*.
- Hairdresser – Kay, John, Burketown*. Marshall, James, Upper Araluen*.
- Innkeeper – Ashby, John, Burketown. [Exchange Hotel], Burke, William, Burketown*. [ Horse and Jockey], Hogan, John M, Burketown*. [Free Selection Inn], Madigan, Michael, Burketown.[ Currency Lass].
- Market Gardener – McCowan, Bernard, Upper Araluen*.
- Reverend – Llewellyn, Thomas [Baptist], Burketown*.
- Sawyer – Taylor, John, Upper Araluen*. Taylor, Joseph, Upper Araluen*.
- Settler – Grant, Frank, Upper Araluen*.
- Storekeeper – Baker, Robert, Upper Araluen. Cowen, Samuel, Burketown. Hickey, Michael, Upper Araluen*. Lloydstrom, Erick, Upper Araluen. Poile, Thomas, Burketown.
- Teacher – Auld, Thomas, Upper Araluen*. Clarke, Daniel, Upper Araluen. Connelly, Thomas, Burketown. Johnston, William, Burketown.
- Not recorded – McPherson, Allan, Burketown*.

* Noted in the 1875 Greville’s Official Post Office Directory at the same location.
- Barnett, William, Upper Araluen*. Brown, Thomas, Upper Araluen*.
- Cahill, Michael, Burketown. Campbell, James, Burketown. Cavanagh, James Upper Araluen*. Cegg, James, Burketown. Chisholm, Robert, Upper Araluen*. Crain, Thomas, Burketown. Cumming, Henry, Upper Araluen. Curry, John, Burketown*. Cuttle, Robert, Burketown*.
- Dalby, Patrick, Burketown*. Dillon, Timothy, Upper Araluen*. Donahoe, Bernard, Upper Araluen*.
- Ennis, Joseph, Upper Araluen*.
- Foster, Thomas, Burketown.
- Gallagher, James, Upper Araluen*. Galloway, David, Burketown. Garman, Joseph, Burketown. Gearan, Patrick, Upper Araluen*. Gibson, George, Burketown*. Gilligan, John, Upper Araluen*. Groggin, Daniel, Upper Araluen. Gough, John, Upper Araluen. Grant, Walter, Upper Araluen*. Gray, Andrew, Burketown. Griffiths, George, Upper Araluen*.
- Halpin, Hugh, Burketown. Harrison, Henry, Upper Araluen*. Haws, George, Upper Araluen. Healey, James, Burketown. Hickey, James, Burketown*. Hope, George, Upper Araluen*. Huggett, Stephen, Upper Araluen*.
- Jarmain, James, Upper Araluen*. Jenning, Edward, Upper Araluen*.
- Kime, Samuel, Upper Araluen. King, George, Upper Araluen. Knight, William, Upper Araluen.
- Lane, Stephen, Upper Araluen*. Lewis, James, Burketown*. Lovick, James, Burketown.
- Maloney, Thomas, Upper Araluen. McKay, Alexander, Upper Araluen*. McSorley, Francis, Burketown. McSween, Donald, Burketown*. McSween, William, Burketown*. Morris, William, Upper Araluen*.
- Norman, William, Upper Araluen.
- Oborne, Jesse, Upper Araluen.
- Peadon, William, Burketown.
- Rooney, Michael, Upper Araluen.
- Simpson, William, Upper Araluen*. Stepney, John, Burketown*. Stone, James, Upper Araluen*. Stutchbury, Abraham, Burketown.
- Taylor, Henry, Burketown*. Tenson, Thomas, Upper Araluen.
- Wallace, John, B., Upper Araluen*. Ward, Joseph, Upper Araluen. Watt, Thomas, Upper Araluen. White, James, Upper Araluen. Wilson, William, Upper Araluen. Winslett, Richard, Upper Araluen. Wisbey, Frederick, Upper Araluen*. Wise, Frederick, Burketown. Woods, William, Upper Araluen*.
- Young, Samuel, Upper Araluen*.
* Noted in the 1875 Greville’s Official Post Office Directory at the same location.