Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875–1876 is a compilation of addresses of letters as they passed through the various post offices of the colony. It was advertised for sale in April 1875 for 1 Guinea1Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 – 1912), Saturday 17 April 1875, page 504.
The Directory lists miners at Araluen, Upper Araluen, Bells Creek and other localities in the district. Below are the approximately 240 miners the Directory lists in Araluen2Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875 – 1876 https://www.ihr.com.au/secure/html/greville75.html. Accessed 18 Feb 2023.
- Alley, George; Amps, Edward; Armour, Richard; Armstrong, George; Atkinson, Thomas.
- Barnett, William; Beattie, James; Beedman, John; Bertha, Julian; Black, James; Black, James Belfour; Blatchford, John; Blundell, George; Blundell, Phillip; Bowland, Matthew; Brady, James; Brown, Thomas; Broyne, Charles; Buckley, James; Burke, Edward; Burke, John.
- Cale, John; Callaghan, James; Campbell, Alexander; Campbell, Archibald; Cartwell, John; Carty, John; Cavanagh, James; Charlton, George; Chisholm, Robert; Clements, Ebenezer; Collins, Henry; Connelly, Michael; Considine, M.; Considine, Michael; Conway, Cornelius; Conway, Owen; Costello, James; Couch, William; Crawford, George; Curry, John; Cuttle, Robert.
- Dalby, Patrick; Davis, John; Delponte, Antonio; Delponte, Joseph; Dickson, John; Dillon, Timothy; Donahoe, Bernard; Dunean, William.
- Ebzery, Benjamin; Elliott, Erwin; Ellwood, John; Emery, James; Ennis, Joseph; Evans, William
- Fitzpatrick, John; Flemming, Alexander; Flemming, James; Fletcher, Henry; Fogarty, Michael; Fosthe, Thomas; Freeman, Thomas; Fussell, William.
- Gallagher, James; Gannon, Patrick; Gardiner, James; Gearan, Patrick; Gibson, George; Gibson, John; Gifford, William; Gilligan, Edward; Gilligan, John; Gilligan, Michael; Gilmore, John; Gilmore, Thomas; Godgh, John; Grant, Walter; Greenwood, James; Greenwood, John; Griffiths, George; Gutterie, James; Gutterie, John.
- Hall, Charles; Hall, William; Hand, Thomas; Harrington, Timothy; Harrison, Henry; Harvey, William; Haydon, Joseph; Hedger, George; Hedges, James; Heiley, John; Hennessey, Patrick; Herbert, George; Hickey, James; Higgins, John; Hinchcliff, John; Hogan, Edward; Hogarth, Thomas; Hope, George; Hosking, John; Hourighan, John; Huggett, Stephen; Hughes, William; Hydon, Thomas; Hynes, John.
- Innes, Joseph; Isbester, W.
- Jack, Robert; Jarmain, James; Jeffrey, James; Jennings, Edward; Jennings, William; Jones, William.
- Keir, William; Kelly, John; Kennedy, Thomas; Kenny, James; Kenny, Michael; Kerby, John; Knightly, Henry.
- Laffan, James; Lane, Stephen; Lappin, Bernard; Lawless, Miles; Leary, Timothy; Lewis, James; Leydon, Daniel; Lithgow, Benjamin; Lonsdale, Thomas; Lorrigan, John; Lorrigan, Michael.
- Mackey, Daniel; Maloney, Michael; Mangan, James; Marshall, James; Marshall, William; Matthews, Joseph; McCann, Patrick; McCarthy, John; McCurley, Thomas; McDonald, William; McElhanney, Charles; McGowan, John; McKay, Alexander; McKellar, David; McKensie, Roderick; McKensie, William; McNamarra, Patrick; McNamarra, Timothy; McNertney, Michael; McQuade, Constantine; McSween, Donald; McSween, William; Millgate, George; Miners, William; Montgomery, William; Moore, Peter; Morgan, Thomas; Morrell, Isaiah; Morris, William; Morrissey, John; Murphy, Garrett.
- Nevin, Bernard; Newman, C.W.; Newman, James.
- O’Brien, David; O’Day, Michael; O’Rey, John; Orphin, Charles; O’Shea, Simeon; O’Sullivan, James.
- Palprey, John; Pepper, Andrew; Putney, James.
- Ramsey, John; Rattray, Alexander; Reynolds, Richard; Ross, George; Rowe, John; Ryan, John; Ryan, Patrick; Ryan, Thomas.
- Sennott, James; Sherry, Michael; Shurmar, John; Simpson, Joseph S.; Simpson, Richard J.; Simpson, Robert; Simpson, Samuel; Simpson, William; Simpson, William Henry; Stutachbury, Abraham; Staines, Robert; Stanby, John; Stanton, James; Stephens, James; Stepney, John; Stone, James; Stonebridge, George; Stove, James.
- Tarbuck, William; Taylor, George; Taylor, Henry; Thompson, Charles; Tierney, Richard; Torlan, John; Torrens, Thomas; Tracey, John; Tracey, Thomas.
- Wallace, John; Wallace, John, B.; Walsh, John; Walton, John; Walton, Storey; Ward, Henry; Ward, Joseph; Ward, William; Way, W.C.; Way, W.F.; Webster, John; West, William; Weston, Alfred; Wicken, Henry; Wicken, Joseph; Williams, Thomas; Willoughby, James; Willoughby, Joseph; Winter, Robert; Wisbey, Frederick; Wood, John; Woods, Joseph; Woods, William.
- Young, Samuel.