Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875–1876 is a compilation of addresses taken from letters as they passed through the various post offices of the colony.
In 1875 at Bells Creek1Greville’s Official Post Office directory for 1875–1876 https://www.ihr.com.au/secure/html/greville75.html. Accessed 18 February 2023, pp 49 and 50. the Grevilles Directory lists 24 miners, two innkeepers, two carriers, and a Gold Commissioner, a carpenter, a contractor, a Postmaster, a sawyer, and a wood carter. Six persons were engaged in farming.
Carpenter – Lee, John.
Contractor – Poppenhager, Stephen.
Farmer – Dolero, Carlo; Maloney, Daniel; Maher, Phillip; Maher, William; Realini, Augustus; Rusconi, Pietro.
Gold Commissioner – Forysth, Thomas.
Innkeeper – Heeger, Charles [Mountain Inn]; Maher, Thomas [Rose, Shamrock and Thistle]
Postmaster – Crego, C.
Sawyer – McDonald, Donald.
Wood Carter – Atkins, William.
Not recorded – Burke, Edward; Blatchford, J.H.; Burne, Henry P.M.
Atkinson, Edward; Barclay, Alexander; Burney, John, B.; Crozier, William; Christy, Alexander; Cook, George; Dolph, Eugene; Fleming, James; Gray, John; Hunt, William Sen; Hunt, William jun; Junee, James; Lowes, John; Littrel, John; Manning, W; Moore, Thomas; Potten, George; Prior, Patrick; Patton, Hamilton; Parf, O; Scotten, George; Taylor, Alexander; Taylor, William; Wilson, George.