Trevor Underwood Alley (1844-1940), the eighth son of Dr George Underwood Alley and Catherine Amelia Smith, was born on the 16 August 1844 in Dapto and died 29 April 1940 in Oatley, Sydney.1FindaGrave.com, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/238628131/trevor-underwood-alley Accessed 4 January 2024. In 1863, when Trevor was about 18 years of age, the family moved to Araluen and Trevor found employment in Blatchford’s store.2Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1914-1954), Tuesday 14 May 1940, p 3.
The Sydney Morning Herald3Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842-1954), Saturday 8 February 1930, p 16. published a notice of marriage advising that Trevor Underwood, son of Dr. and Mrs. G. U. Alley, had married Emily Annie Pass, the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pass of Braidwood, on 8 February 1870, at Bettowynd House, Araluen, with the Rev. E. D. Madgwick officiating.
Trevor and Emily had eleven children (six boys and five girls).
- William Underwood Alley (1871-1955) Major W. U. Alley, president of the Tallaganda (Braidwood) Shire.
– ALLEY— BYRNE.— On August 3rd, [1899] at St. John’s Church, Major’s Creek, by the Rev. J. S. Dobson, William Underwood, eldest son of T. U. Alley, of Araluen, to Emily Jane, second daughter of James H. Byrne, Nithsdale.4Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW: 1883-1930), Thursday 7 September 1899, p 1.
– William is detailed on the 1903 Electoral roll as a Storekeeper in Araluen, as was his father Trevor and brother Percy.
– Probationary Second-lieutenant W. U. Alley, of Araluen, has been notified from headquarters that his promotion to second lieutenant, 3rd Australian Horse, has been confirmed, as a result of successful examination in September last.5Braidwood and Araluen Express and People’s Advocate (NSW : 1899-1904), Tuesday 24 November 1903, p 2. - Maude Isobel Alley (1873-1956) , Miss Maude Alley, of Roseville
- Trevor Harold Alley (1875 – 1906)
– A notice stating ‘Died ALLEY.—July 6, 1906, at Daheim, Eastern-road, Turramurra, aged 32, Trevor Harold, second son of Trevor Underwood Alley, of Araluen’, was published in the July 1906 Sydney Morning Herald.6Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Saturday 7 July 1906, p 12.The Braidwood Dispatch7Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW: 1888-1954), Saturday 21 July 1906, p 2. reported ‘On Thursday, 5th inst., [July 1906] of the death of Mr. Harold Alley, second son of Mr. T. U. Alley, of this town. The deceased had been ailing for a considerable period, but reports received from time to time indicated that he was convalescent. Up till a few years ago the deceased had been actively engaged in carrying on his father’s extensive business here, after which he went to Tasmania to open business on his own account. He subsequently came to Sydney, where he remained until the time of his death.’ - Vivian Francis Alley (1878- 1968) Mr. V. F. Alley of Oatley.
– On 11 July 1904, at Durban, South Africa8Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW: 1888 – 1889; 1895; 1897 – 1954), Wednesday 24 August 1904, page 2Vivian married Harriet Nunn Bawtree (1879 -1951 )9Find a Grave.com. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/129047808/harriette_nunn_alley Accessed 3 May 2024. and they had five children – Emily Marjorie Alley, Frances (Betty)( Arnold), 10Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842 – 1954), Saturday 9 August 1941, page 20 Gwendolyn (Garvey), Vivienne (Watkins) and Mary (Lucas).11Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954), Saturday 29 June 1946, page 32 - Eveline [Eveleen] Emily Alley (1880-1929) married Horace Riley in December 1906 in Araluen.
– A marriage notice ‘RILEY—ALLEY.—December 19, 1906, in the Union Church, Araluen, by the Rev. A. H. Johnstone, the Rev. H. M. Riley, fourth son of G. D. Riley, Public School, Rookwood, to Eveleen Emily (Eva), second daughter of T. U. Alley, of Araluen’ was published in the Daily Telegraph.12Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883-1930), Saturday 12 January 1907, p 8. - Percy Underwood Alley (1882-1957) Mr. P. U. Alley, of Cronulla.
– Percy is detailed on the 1903 Electoral roll as a Storekeeper in Araluen, as was his father Trevor and brother William.
– In 1911 the Macleay Chronicle13Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW : 1899-1952), Wednesday 16 August 1911, p 4. advised Percy Alley and Edgar Alley were trading as Alley Bros., of Bowraville.
– Percy married Catherine Humphrey Owen at Gerringong in 1911. Catherine died in 1920 aged 37. The Sydney Morning Herald14Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Tuesday 16 March 1920. published a notice advising the death ‘On March 11 [1920] at Glen Innes Hospital Catherine Humphrey wife of P. N. [U] Alley, of Taree, only daughter of Mrs. Owens, of Wolsram Queensland, aged 37 years.’
– Percy then moved to Cronulla running a real estate business there.15Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894-1954), Sunday 22 September 1929, p 24. - Unnamed male (1885-1885)
- Mary Gertrude Alley (1886-1962)
– A marriage notice ‘CLACK—ALLEY.-On July 26, at Glenroil, Araluen, by Rev. H. M. Riley, of Gerringong, Roydon Oliver, eldest son of Mr. W. G. Clack, of Neutral Bay, to Mary Gertrude, third daughter of Mr. Trevor U. Alley, of Araluen’ was published in the Sydney Morning Herald.16Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Saturday 5 August 1911, p 12. - Elsie Elizabeth Alley (1887-1970) married Edward Joseph Collier in 1921.
- Edgar Oswald Alley (1888-1956) Mr E. O. Alley, of Cronulla,
– A marriage notice ‘ALLEY—PURCHASE— On November 28, at Congregational Church. Bexley, by Rev. H.M. Riley, Lucy, youngest daughter of the late Edward Purchase, Parramatta to Edgar, youngest son of T. M. [U] Alley, Araluen’ was published in the Daily Telegraph.17Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883-1930), Tuesday 12 December 1911, p 8.In August 1911 the Macleay Chronicle18Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW: 1899-1952), Wednesday 16 August 1911, p 4. advised Percy Alley and Edgar Alley, were trading as Alley Bros., of Bowraville. By September 1911 an advertisement placed in the Braidwood Dispatch19Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Saturday 30 September 1911, p 5. recorded the sale of the Araluen business run by T. U. Alley and Son, to E. O. Alley.
– Edgar then moved to Cronulla, running a store in Caringbah.20Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894-1954), Sunday 22 September 1929, p 24. - Alice Muriel Alley (1891-1934) married Thomas Clyde Brown in 1920 in Chatswood. A death notice ‘DEATH – Mrs. T. C. Brown, of Roseville. (dearly loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Alley, of 47 Lord St. Roseville, and loving sister of Will, Maude, Viv, Percy, Mary (Mrs. Clark, [Clack] London), Elsie (Mrs. Collier), and Edgar. Aged 43 years) was published in the Daily Telegraph21Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931-1954), Monday 10 September 1934, p 6.

4 September 1903 with William Underwood Alley the Honorary Secretary
Trevor Underwood Alley – Grocer is noted in the 1875–76 Greville’s Official Post Office Directory22Greville’s Official Post Office directory for 1875–1876 https://www.ihr.com.au/secure/html/greville75.html. Accessed 18 February 2023. (p17) in Araluen.
An 1877 delivery of summer goods to the store of T.U. Alley were detailed in the Freeman’s Journal23Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW: 1850-1932), Saturday 13 October 1877, p 10. as ‘Our enterprising storekeeper, T. W.[U] Alley, Esq , is to receive during the week, via the Clyde, summer goods to the amount of £700. This statement we can vouch for, as we saw the invoice with our own eyes. People are complaining of the dullness of the times, but the figures above quoted, I think, preach a different doctrine.‘ Trevor was issued an Auctioneers’ License from the 1st to the 31st March, 1878.24New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW: 1832-1900), Thursday 18 April 1878 (No.118), p 1630.
In reporting on the 1879 flood in Araluen, the Monaro Mercury25Monaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser (NSW : 1862-1931), Wednesday 1 October 1879, p 4. stated ‘by midnight on the 16th [September 1879] the flood down here was its height, and no such volume of water has been in the Araluen Creek since the memorable flood of February, 1860 … it will be a work of extreme difficulty and expense to open the Perseverance (T. U. Alley and Co), and also the New Venture. The unfortunate men who have been employed as labourers are the greatest sufferers, as they are left destitute’. By November the Sydney Mail26Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871-1912), Saturday 1 November 1879, p 766. noted the Perseverance Company (T. U. Alley, and Co.) ‘will lose no time in trying to get their water down — having purchased fresh pumps, when they left off they were on a highly payable vein’.
The Perseverance claim (T. U. Alley and Co.) reported the Maitland Mercury27Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843-1893), Tuesday 27 April 1880, p 6. in April 1880, ‘are washing continually night and day, on payable wash-dirt. They are employing about fifty hands, and twenty horses and carts, and will increase that number as the face widens’. By 1882, the Goulburn Evening Penny Post28Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881-1940), Saturday 11 March 1882, p 2. detailed ‘The long-talked of project of opening the Middle Ground on the Plains in Araluen, is now in a fair way of being accomplished. Mr. T. U. Alley, who has taken up the ground, has formed a company for the purpose of working it under the name of the Albion Gold Mining Company, Araluen. The ground is now being opened and the Company expect to wash in about five or six weeks. Pumping machinery has been purchased in Sydney and is expected up next week.’ In 1883, the Newcastle Morning Herald29Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW : 1876-1954), Saturday 21 April 1883, p 5. reported ‘The New Venture ground was opened on Monday by Trevor Alley and Co., with 20 hands, with the proportionate number of horses and carts for stripping. 15 [fifteen] of the best working miners have taken up the Alabama block of ground, adjoining the old Perseverance claim Burketown.’

The Braidwood Dispatch30Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Wednesday 7 June 1899, p 3. published a notice regarding Federation, in June 1899, advising that ‘Austin Chapman will Address the Electors; – AT … ARALUEN (Alley’s Hall) FRIDAY, 9th JUNE, [1899] at 8 o’clock.’ In August 1900, the Braidwood and Araluen Express31Braidwood and Araluen Express and People’s Advocate (NSW : 1899-1904), Tuesday 14 August 1900, p 2. reported on a tea-meeting and concert in aid of the Wesleyan Church, held ‘in Alley’s Federal Hall. With beautiful weather and a moon at the full, apparently the whole of the Valley people, supplemented by visitors from surrounding centres, were present when the doors were opened.’
In the November 1957 Government Gazette32Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901-2001), Friday 1 November 1957 (No.133), p 3447. published a notification of the resumption of five acres of land, both Crown land and private land (William Underwood Alley’s), to be used for the establishment of a public recreation ground at Araluen. The Federal Hall, and Recreation Ground nearby, are community assets still used in 2024, and are a much valued Alley family legacy.

The 1903 General Roll of persons entitled to vote for Members of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, detailed Percy Underwood Alley, Storekeeper, Araluen; Trevor Underwood Alley, Storekeeper, Araluen; and William Underwood Alley, Storekeeper, Araluen.
In 1903, the Braidwood and Araluen Express and People’s Advocate33Braidwood and Araluen Express and People’s Advocate (NSW : 1899-1904), Tuesday 5 May 1903, p 2. described ‘A most successful business man we have in our fellow townsman Mr T. U. Alley, … the owner of that splendid property in Araluen, consisting of over 2000 acres, originally known as the Burnell Estate on which some of the very richest gold mining claims were located. At the present time also there are three dredges working on the property, and they have over twenty years work ahead of them. Two of the dredges, are averaging good weekly returns of the glittering metal, gold, by some people called the “root of all evil”. Notwithstanding, it is a mighty handy thing to have about the house. He is also the owner of the Perseverance store, and two other “branch stores” in the Valley. The contractors have made a start towards having his residential mansion erected out of the immense stacks of bricks piled around the site.’

Mr. T. U. Alley was a member of the first Provisional Council for Tallaganda [Braidwood] Shire at the inception of local government, appointed by the Government on 14th June, 1906 and acted on the council for many years.34Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1914-1954), Tuesday 14 May 1940, p 3. The Braidwood Dispatch35Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1954), Saturday 29 May 1909, p 2. reported in 1909 ‘Mr. T. U. Alley, our local representative on the Shire Council, left here a week or so ago on a trip to Japan. Mr. Alley has been in very indifferent health for some time past, and his medical attendant advised a complete cessation from work and a long sea voyage.’ Trevor Alley held office till December 1913, and upon his retirement took up residence in Roseville, Sydney.
A 1940 notice in the Sydney Morning Herald36Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Tuesday 30 April 1940, p 8. advised ‘ALLEY.—April 29, at his son’s [Percy]37Observer (Cronulla, NSW : 1939-1954), Friday 7 June 1940, p 5. residence, Waratah Street, Oatley, Trevor Underwood, of 47 Lord Street, Roseville, and of Araluen, [died] son of the late Dr. G. U. Alley, of Shoalhaven, and father of Will, Maude, Viv, Percy, Edgar, Marg, [Mary Gertrude] [and] Elsie (also Harold, Eva, and Muriel, deceased), in his 96th year.’
For fifty years Trevor U. Alley was in business at Araluen, and was also actively associated with gold mining.38Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842-1954), Friday 7 February 1930, p 12.