A map showing lands holding for Andrew Badgery - Land Portion 1A at Bettowynd.

Andrew Badgery (1806–1857)

Andrew Badgery, the son of James Badgery and Elizabeth Lundie, received a grant in 1827 in Araluen, which he extended in the 1830s at Jembaicumbene Creek with his brother-in-law William Roberts. Andrew was born in the colony in 1806, and married Maria Dyer Town in 1829 at Windsor, New South Wales.1https://australianroyalty.net.au/tree/purnellmccord.ged/individual/I20269/Andrew-Badgery Accessed 20 January 2024.

Andrew Badgery first ‘settled at Braidwood, but some Crown grants issued to Captain Coghill took in the ground he was on, and he had to move ; so he went on to Jembaicumbene’ … ‘From Jembaicumbene the blacks took Andrew Badgery along Major’s Creek, and down through the Araluen Valley, where he took up land, and formed a cattle station, about where the town ship now stands‘.2Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870-1919), Wednesday 24 May 1905, p 29.

In 1838 the Colonist3Colonist (Sydney, NSW : 1835-1840), Wednesday 9 May 1838, p 1. advertised the sale of ‘5,500 Superior Sheep. … by Mr. Andrew Badgeryon MONDAY the 21st. May [1838], …the whole of that gentleman’s fine Flocks of Sheep, which are now rennin [running] at Jembecumbain [Jembaicumbene] County St. Vincent, being one of the best and healthiest portions of sheep country in the colony.’

As was customary Andrew was using convict labour with press reports of the assignment of various convicts, to his property in the County of St. Vincent, including in 1838, 1 carpenter, 1 shoemaker, and 4 labourers4New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Wednesday 9 May 1838 (No.332), p 368. and in 1839 an errand-boy5New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Wednesday 24 April 1839 (No.410), p 500., and a gardener.6New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Wednesday 27 November 1839 (No.470), p 1336.  The New South Wales Government Gazette7New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Friday 15 October 1841 (No.85), p 1425. published a listing reporting ‘Lafferty John, [arrived on the ship ] Theresa, 23, [born in ] Glasgow, brushmaker and turner, 5 feet 7¾ inches, …[absconded], from Andrew Badgery, Braidwood, since 25th ultimo [September 1841].

An advertisement advising that Andrew Badgery had been awarded a tender for supply of provisions in Braidwood in August 1844.
Andrew Badgery awarded a tender for supply of provisions, in Braidwood in August 1844

In 1851 the Empire newspaper8Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Wednesday 17 September 1851, p 3. reported on the Braidwood Diggings detailing ‘Mining operations in this locality are being carried on with considerable success. …Mr. Andrew Badgery supplies the diggers with beef, mutton, flour, and other provisions at a very moderate price.’  While in January 1852 the Empire9Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Thursday 29 January 1852, p 2. reported ‘Flour is sold at the top of the hill, at the Bell’s Creek stores, at 24s. per 100  lbs., while at Badgery’s store at Araluen 35s is asked for the staff of life, and one must be thankful to get it at even that figure.’

The Goulburn Herald10Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 8 November 1851, p 3. described in 1851 ‘When within four miles of Arraluen [Araluen] plain, I came on the first signs of the diggers, by the once beautiful clear stream, rendered by the rocking of numerous cradles so as to resemble the gutters in Sydney during a heavy shower; the bed and banks of the creek torn up in all directions, for upwards of a mile and a half. These are termed the Lower Diggins. [Diggings] After passing which I caught the first glimpse of a station of Mr. Badgery’s, termed Clear Hill. At this station, diggers who bring their own horses can have them put in a good grassed paddock, at a charge of 2s. per head per week.

Within a mile after passing Clear Hill I came in full view of Arraluen [Araluen] Plain – one of the most beautiful spots imaginable, where, in the centre of the plains, you would imagine it was impossible to get out of it again, being surrounded on all sides by immense mountains; the road leading to the next or middle diggins [diggings] passes by Arraluen [Araluen] House, at present rented by Mr. Badgery. Here diggers will meet a welcome to the milk vat by the dairyman, Mr. Flanagan. At the same time, the worthy old gent will have no objection to sell them good sound salt or fresh butter at 1s. per lb, or bacon, delivered at the mines, at the same price, twice a week, by his men, to whom they can give orders -a great convenience to diggers, saving so much time. There are now only about twenty cradles at work at the two above mentioned diggings, the miners having been disheartened in consequence of not being able to keep the water from flowing in upon them. The Chief Commissioner, as well as Mr. Hargraves, stated as their opinion, that the body of the gold lay in the flat, but from the above cause would not be available for some time.’

Kennedy11THE BRAIDWOOD GOLD FIELDS IN THE 50s AND 60s. — (Written for the Braidwood Dispatch.) [By an Old Hand.] Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1954), Saturday 11 January 1908, p 2. recollected ‘Mr. Badgery’s station was lower down from Redbank and out south west towards Bettowynd for miles, there being not a house, only the stockman’s on Clear Hills. Mr. Badgery had a great number of horses and cattle here in those days.’

Historical maps12NSW Land Registry Service, Parish and Historical Maps. Historical Land Records Viewer https://www.nswlrs.com.au/Parish-and-Historical-Maps. Accessed 5 January 2024. indicate the land settled by Andrew Badgery was Portion 1A in the Parish of Bettowynd, County of St Vincent, adjacent to the Araluen parish, as well as his holdings near Majors Creek, and at Jembaicumbene.

A map showing lands holding for Andrew Badgery - Land Portion 1A at Bettowynd.
Andrew Badgery – Land Portion 1A at Bettowynd

In 1852, the Goulburn Herald13Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 8 May 1852, p 4. wrote ‘Mr. Andrew Badgery, has procured a license for the Inn now occupied by Mr. P. Goulding, [Doncaster Inn Braidwood] who on the 1st of July next retires from the bar practice. A publican’s general license has also been granted to Mr. Henry Badgery, for a house [The Miners Home] he has just completed on Majors’ Creek.’14Museum of History New South Wales.  https://mhnsw.au/indexes/publicans-hoteliers-innkeepers/publicans-licenses-index. Accessed 9 October 2023.] [Andrew BADGERY, 28 April 1853, The Doncaster Arms, Wallace and Wilson Streets, Braidwood. 606, NRS 14403 [4/85]; Reel 5064.  Andrew, and following his death, his wife Maria are listed as licensees of the Doncaster Inn Braidwood from 1853 until 1860.

A picture of Maria Badgery's cottage in Braidwood. c late 1800's
Maria Badgery’s cottage in Braidwood. c late 1800s

Andrew died ‘On Thursday 28th instant [May 1857], at his residence, Doncaster Inn, Braidwood, after a short but severe illness of three days, Mr. Andrew Badgery, late of Jembaicumbene, aged 51 years.’15Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Tuesday 2 June 1857, p 4]. [FindaGrave.com https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/174290703/andrew-badgery. Accessed 20 January 2024. His wife Maria16FindaGrave.com https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/174290706/maria_dwyer_badgery. Accessed 20 January 2024. died ‘June 6 [1888], at Exeter Farm, Braidwood, Maria, relict of the late Andrew Badgery, aged 75.’17Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871-1912), Saturday 23 June 1888, p 1361.  The Australian Town and Country Journal18Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870-1919), Saturday 16 June 1888, p 15. added the death of Mrs. Badgery, ‘… on Wednesday afternoon last at the residence of Mr. T. J. Roberts, Exeter Farm. … She was one of the oldest residents here; her father, the late Mr. Andrew Town, of Richmond, having been one of the pioneers of the district. …. Mr. Town, of Richmond (her brother), and a large circle of friends and relatives from all parts of the colony were present. The deceased was 77 years of age, and left no family’.


  • 1
    https://australianroyalty.net.au/tree/purnellmccord.ged/individual/I20269/Andrew-Badgery Accessed 20 January 2024.
  • 2
    Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870-1919), Wednesday 24 May 1905, p 29.
  • 3
    Colonist (Sydney, NSW : 1835-1840), Wednesday 9 May 1838, p 1.
  • 4
    New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Wednesday 9 May 1838 (No.332), p 368.
  • 5
    New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Wednesday 24 April 1839 (No.410), p 500.
  • 6
    New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Wednesday 27 November 1839 (No.470), p 1336.
  • 7
    New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Friday 15 October 1841 (No.85), p 1425.
  • 8
    Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Wednesday 17 September 1851, p 3.
  • 9
    Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Thursday 29 January 1852, p 2.
  • 10
    Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 8 November 1851, p 3.
  • 11
    THE BRAIDWOOD GOLD FIELDS IN THE 50s AND 60s. — (Written for the Braidwood Dispatch.) [By an Old Hand.] Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1954), Saturday 11 January 1908, p 2.
  • 12
    NSW Land Registry Service, Parish and Historical Maps. Historical Land Records Viewer https://www.nswlrs.com.au/Parish-and-Historical-Maps. Accessed 5 January 2024.
  • 13
    Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 8 May 1852, p 4.
  • 14
    Museum of History New South Wales.  https://mhnsw.au/indexes/publicans-hoteliers-innkeepers/publicans-licenses-index. Accessed 9 October 2023.] [Andrew BADGERY, 28 April 1853, The Doncaster Arms, Wallace and Wilson Streets, Braidwood. 606, NRS 14403 [4/85]; Reel 5064.
  • 15
    Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Tuesday 2 June 1857, p 4]. [FindaGrave.com https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/174290703/andrew-badgery. Accessed 20 January 2024.
  • 16
    FindaGrave.com https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/174290706/maria_dwyer_badgery. Accessed 20 January 2024.
  • 17
    Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871-1912), Saturday 23 June 1888, p 1361.
  • 18
    Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870-1919), Saturday 16 June 1888, p 15.