Andrew Keys (1873-1940)1Findagrave.com https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/182553895/andrew-keys Accessed 10 November 2023. was born at Jembaicumbene, and became one of Araluen’s best known and most respected citizens, working as a butcher for many years at Crown Flat and Redbank.
Andrew initially worked at Jembaicumbene as a timekeeper in the gold claims there, before moving to Araluen and securing work with Edmund Smith, butcher, for whom he worked for many years. Edmund Smith would send a huge two-horse van, capable of holding at least three bullock carcasses, every week to Braidwood, Jembaicumbene and Major’s Creek, laden with primest of beef and small goods.2Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW: 1914 – 1954), Tuesday 23 April 1940, p 3.
Andrew Keys married Sarah Ann Larcombe (1877-1927) in 1895 in Braidwood. Sarah Ann was the daughter of Walter Willie Larcombe (1856-1910) and Elizabeth Rebecca Atkins (1856-1936), and step-granddaughter of (his employer) Edmund Smith (1833-1909). Edmund Smith married Sarah Larcombe3Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842-1954), Friday 15 December 1876, p 1. nee King (1836-1900), on 27 September 1876 at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Taunton, Somerset, England.
Andrew and Sarah Ann had eight children. Esmeralda (1896-1959), Albert (1897-1898), Elizabeth (1898-1972), Sarah (1900-1963), Walter (1905-1910), Andrew (1907-1967), Edmund Fogden (1908-1988) and Jean (1910-1910). In March 1910 the family lost their son Walter4Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW: 1883-1930), Thursday 24 March 1910, p 6. aged 5, to acute croup, in the week following their daughter Jean’s birth. Tragically, in May 1910, Jean5Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW: 1888-1954), Wednesday 18 May 1910, p 2. aged 5 weeks, was killed, with no prosecution for her mother Sarah, recorded. Sarah was sent to Kenmore Hospital6Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW: 1888-1954), Wednesday 22 June 1910, p 2, New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney: 1860 -1930), Wednesday 15 June 1910 (No.24), p 201. in Goulburn for treatment.

After Edmund Smith’s death in 19097Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW: 1914-1954), Tuesday 23 April 1940, p 3. ‘the old established butchery “fell” into his hands, or, rather, into his wife’s, for whom Mr. Keys ran it‘.
Historical maps8Historical Maps NSW Land Registry Service, Parish and Historical Maps. Historical Land Records Viewer, https://www.nswlrs.com.au/Parish-and-Historical-Maps Accessed 10 November 2023. indicate the Land Portions purchased by Andrew Keys, and by Edmund Smith, were as set out in the table below.
Portion | Name | Plan | Loc | Vol | Loc |
223 | Edmund Smith | 577 | Diag A | 62 | 102 |
225 | Edmund Smith | 577 | Diag A | 62 | 103 |
243 | Edmund Smith | 576 | Diag A | 58 | 125 |
355 | Edmund Smith | 669 | Diag A | 62 | 104 |
356 | Edmund Smith | 669 | Diag A | 62 | 105 |
472 | Edmund Smith | 426 | Diag A | 252 | 163 |
594 | Andrew Keys | 3487 | Diag A |
These locations are further detailed on the Thwaites map below.9Lindsay and Roger Thwaites. The History of Araluen. National Capital Printing. 2001. Back Cover p 40.
The Braidwood Review in 1940 reported Andrew ‘acquired some land from the Dempsey’s at Back Creek and put in much time and expense improving this property. Later on he purchased a substantial block of the Yurramie Estate, close to Araluen, and went in for cattle raising’. In February 1940, the Braidwood Review10Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1914-1954), Tuesday 27 February 1940, p 3. recorded that the ‘Black Thursday‘ bush fire ‘completely devastated both his Yurramie and Back Creek properties, as 1,000 acres of grass, many miles of fences, yards, an unoccupied dwelling, practically a lifetime’s work, were destroyed‘.

The Braidwood Review11Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1914-1954), Tuesday 23 April 1940, p 3. published Andrew Key’s obituary in April 1940, stated ‘The late Mr. Keys will be sorely missed in the district, and particularly about Araluen, where over a long period of years he acted as guide, philosopher and friend to quite a number. No person in distress ever appealed to him in vain, and more than one family in poor circumstances had occasion to remember his generosity. One of “Andy” Keys’ strongest characteristics was his loyalty to his friends. His motto in dealing with his neighbours or his friends was: — “There is so much good in the worst of us. And so much bad in the best of us. That it ill behoves any of us to find fault with the rest of us.”’
A farewell gathering was held in the Federal Hall, Araluen, on 4 November 1950, to say farewell to Mr and Mrs Edmund (Ted) Keys, and their children Trevor, and Dawn, which the Braidwood Review12Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1914-1954), Tuesday 21 November 1950, p 1. recorded, with speeches stating ‘They were exemplary citizens and a family that the Valley would find very hard to replace. Ted had been associated with every charitable and honorary organisation in Araluen, and more than pulled his weight.’