Mullins Family

A notice to Miners and others placed 21 November 1861 regarding building on private lands
Notice to Miners and others
– 21 November 1861

John Harford Mullins (1827-1901) the son of John Mullins and Betty Harford, married Eliza Buxton nee Ash (1820-1892), a widow and the daughter of Henry Ash and Margaret, in February 1853 in Kent, England. Eliza, and John (aged 26), ‘came to the colony in August, 1853, and a month later left Sydney for Major’s Creek, where he followed mining for about twelve months. He then commenced business as storekeeper in Araluen, which he followed up to September, 1860. He also acted as private gold commissioner for the estates of Mr. H. C. Burnell and Messrs Hassall and Roberts from July 1855, up to the time of his death.’1Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Saturday 12 October 1901, p 2.

Historical maps2NSW Land Registry Service, Parish and Historical Maps. Historical Land Records Viewer Accessed 5 December 2024. suggest the land purchased by the Mullins family in and around Burketown (also known as ‘Bourketown’, and Araluen West on some maps) was as below.

  • John Harford Mullins (1827-1901) – Portions 338, 343, and 344.
  • John Ash Mullins (1860-1942) – Portions 116, 395, 576 and 596.
  • John Edward Mullins (1897–1968) – Portion 378, 625, 642, and 643.
A map showing the Land Portions for the Mullins family at Burketown
Land Portions for Mullins family at Burketown

The Daily Telegraph3Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883-1930), Monday 6 June 1892, p 1. published a notice stating ‘MULLINS. — May 19, 1892 at Araluen, New South Wales, Australia, Eliza., wife of John Harford Mullins, and daughter of the late Henry Ash, of Illkeston, England, [died] in her 72nd year’. Eliza is at rest in the Araluen Church of England Cemetery., Accessed 27 December 2024.

A notice detailing John Harford’s death in October 1901, was published in the Sydney Morning Herald5Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Wednesday 9 October 1901, p 5. stating ‘ARALUEN, Tuesday. Mr. John Harford Mullins, 74, died today from influenza and asthma’.  The Braidwood Dispatch6Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Saturday 12 October 1901, p 2. added ‘The funeral of the late Mr. J. H. Mullins took place on Wednesday afternoon last at Upper Araluen. The deceased gentleman, who died on Monday last, …, came to the colony in August, 1853…and acted as private gold commissioner for the estates of Mr. H. C. Burnell and Messrs Hassall and Roberts from July, 1855, up to the time of his death, with entire satisfaction to his employers and also the miners in any case of dispute. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, and was gifted in the use of all mechanics and was a chemical engineer by profession. He leaves a grown up family of two sons and three daughters.’  John Harford Mullins is at rest in the Araluen Church of England, Accessed 27 December 2024.

Mullins Coffee-Mill Store, Upper Araluen, August 1859

Richard Kennedy, JP (1848-1923) of Reidsdale, although only very young when Araluen was in its zenith, possessed a wonderful memory and had many anecdotes of the roaring days of the field. He shared these under the non de plume of ‘Old Hand’, through a series of articles written in 1907 for the Braidwood Dispatch, dealing with the early history of Araluen.8Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Saturday 7 September 1907, p 5. THE BRAIDWOOD GOLDFIELDS IN THE 50s AND 60s.  (Written for the Braidwood Dispatch) [By an old Hand]. He says ‘First of all Joseph Taylor opened a pub up near where Harrisons are now living. Then Mr. McKay opened a store close to the pub. As the field improved Armstrong [Peace and Plenty] opened a pub and store just under the graveyard hill. Then Tom Taylor [The Happy Valley Inn] opened a pub more towards Major’s Creek… During this time the diggers stripped the ground with barrows and washed the dirt with the old fashioned cradle, and some of the washings turned out as much as 12 ounces per day. Everything now commenced to hum, and J. Mullins opened a store close by Taylor’s pub, and Joe Chiven opened a Butcher’s shop, so also did Tom Connell.’

The Goulburn Herald9Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 3 October 1857, p 3. in October 1857 published a notice detailing the ‘Dissolution of Partnership… between the undersigned, carrying on business at Araluen, New South Wales, as Storekeepers, &c, under the firm and style of “MULLINS and HOWE,” has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will in future be carried on by JOHN H. MULLINS, on his own account, who will receive all the assets and discharge all the liabilities of the late firm. Dated this 29th day of September, 1857. (Signed) JOHN H. MULLINS, JAMES O. HOWE.’

H.C. Burnell placed an advertisement in November 1858 for the Rich Gold-field of Araluen, on his private lands
An advertisement in November 1858 for the Rich Gold-field of Araluen.

In November 185810 Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Saturday 6 November 1858, p 1. Henry Burnell placed an advertisement for the ‘rich Gold-field of Araluen, [advising that] the private land of H.C. Burnell, Esq., J.P., is now opened to respectable diggers’.  He names J.H. (John Harford) Mullins as his Gold Commissioner, and details the methodology for the marking out of claims and the licence fees to be levied.

In 1859 the Braidwood Observer11Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 10 September 1859, p 2. reported from Upper Araluen ‘that a portion of the rich and alluvial land, lying between Mr. Taylor’s farm and the Upper Araluen is about to be measured off into farms varying in extent from three to fifty acres. The ground in question forms part and parcel of Mr. Burnell’s estate. Mr. J. H. Mullins intends forthwith to receive applications for the occupation of the same. The step taken by Mr. Mullins is one in the right direction as there is unquestionably a large field for enterprise in this locality. The population of the adjacent gold fields is large, and investments in these farms, we have no doubt, will prove a remunerative speculation both to the present and new proprietors. We shall be glad to see the interspersion of small farms amid our gold fields. The mining and agricultural interests will thus be brought to work in unison, and reciprocal benefits will result to both these stable branches of commercial enterprise. The climate is particularly favorable, not only to vegetation but to all kinds of horse fodder, such as-corn, oats, barley, hay, &c, articles now so constantly in demand throughout the valley. The rent for the various portions will in a great measure be guided by the length of the lease, under which the same will be held.’

A notice of the proposed formation of ‘The Star of the valley gold-sluicing company’ in advertised in July 1889
‘The Star of the valley gold-sluicing company’ advertised in July 1889

The Braidwood Dispatch12Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 23 October 1925, p 2. reporting in 1925 on the accounts of the 1860 flood advising in ‘a copy of the Braidwood ‘Dispatch’ of 17/2/60, which contains a full and graphic account of this flood. Araluen seems to have been the centre of the disturbance. ‘In addition to the fearful loss of life,’ the paper says, ‘the destruction of property has been very great. We were appalled at the sight of the havoc which everywhere met our gaze. Standing on the side of the range overlooking Upper Araluen, the destruction seemed frightful. How any escaped appeared almost miraculous. A perfect sea of water must have swept past and surrounded Mullins’s store and Taylor’s public-house. One thousand pounds would not compensate Mr. Mullins for the loss he has sustained, and Mr. Armstrong is also a great sufferer, as well as Mr. Taylor, who, with his wife and family, had to seek refuge in the building used as a place of worship for the Church of England … Immense gum trees were carried away as if they were sticks. A large garden roller of great weight which Mr. Taylor had in his garden now lies on the plain nearly half a mile away. Of course, all the claims are filled in, and it will take months before they are re-opened.

In September 1861 the Freeman’s Journal13Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1932), Saturday 28 September 1861, p 5. noted the sale of the ‘Upwards of £1500 worth of book debts, in the assigned estates of Messrs, T. Shoebridge and J. H. Mullins, of Araluen, [which] were recently disposed of by public auction’.

An advertisement dated 1859, detailing the conditions on which license were to be issued on the private lands of Hassall & Roberts and H.C. Burnell.
An advertisement dated 1859 detailing the conditions for granting licenses on private lands.

An advertisement dated 13 October 1859, and published in October 1864, (see above) was placed by J. H. Mullins, Private Gold Commissioner in the Braidwood News.14Braidwood News and Southern Goldfields General Advertiser (NSW : 1864), Saturday 22 October 1864, p 3. It details the ‘Conditions on which Licenses will be issued on the private lands of Messers Hassall and Roberts, and H.C. Burnell Esq of Araluen’.

Mullens, [Mullins] John, H – Gold Commissioner is noted in the 1872 Greville’s Official Post Office Directory15Greville’s Official Post Office Directory, listed on Araluen History in Photo’s Facebook page, posted 2 July 2014, and accessed 9 September 2023. in Burketown.  Mullens, [Mullins] John, H – Gold Commissioner is also noted in the 1875–76 Greville’s Official Post Office Directory16Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875–1876 Accessed 18 February 2023, p 20. (p20) in Burketown.

A notice was placed for ‘The Star of the Valley Gold-sluicing Company’ in the Daily Telegraph17Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883-1930), Wednesday 24 July 1889, p 3. in July 1889, (see right) which nominated J. H. Mullins, from Araluen as a provisional director. ‘It is proposed to form the above Company to work 63 acres 1 rood and 32 perches of land (being part of the Burnell Estate, situate at Araluen).’ In addition to the financial analysis indicating a nett profit per month of £200, or 6d per share per month, the notice details sluicing was to be adopted, and includes information regarding the extension of the current timber Tail Race of about 800 yards, (or 700 metres), through to a distance of 2060 yards, (or approximately 1,884 metres) via a future construction using earthenware pipes, ‘to effectually and mechanically drain the workings‘.

John Harford Mullins and Eliza Ash had five children—Eliza Caroline (1856-1944), Caroline Betsy (1858-1938), John Ash (1860-1943) Lucretia Alice (1862-1937) and George Edward (1864-1942).

  1. Eliza Caroline (1856-1944)
    • Eliza’s birth announcement was published in the Goulburn HeraldBIRTH. On the 17th instant, [November 1856] at her residence, Araluen, Mrs. J. H. Mullins, of a daughter’.18Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 22 November 1856, p 5.
    • The marriage of ‘GRAY—MULLINS.—December 31, [1880] at St. Barnabas’ Church, Sydney, by the Rev. J. Barnier, Thomas Thornton, youngest son of the late Samuel Gray, Esq., of Hampstead, near London, to Eliza Caroline, eldest daughter of John Harford Mullins, Esq., of Araluen.’ was published in the Sydney Daily Telegraph.19Sydney Daily Telegraph (NSW : 1879-883), Saturday 3 January 1880, p 4.
    • In April 1944 the Braidwood Dispatch20Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 21 April 1944, p 2. reported ‘the death of Mrs. E. Gray, which occurred at Brisbane early this month. The deceased lady was born at Araluen 86 years ago leaving when a young girl to go to Sydney and later migrating to Queensland. Prior to her passing she was a music teacher. About a month ago she had a fall, breaking her ribs, and did not recover. The deceased was a sister of the late Mr. J. A. Mullins, the eldest of a family of six, and was the last surviving member. In her young days at Araluen she was a popular and highly respected member of the community. Her husband predeceased her some years ago. A family of six survive, three sons and three daughters’.
  2. Caroline Betsy ( 1858-1938).
    • Caroline’s birth announcement was published in the Goulburn HeraldBIRTH. On the 7th instant, [February 1858] at her residence, Araluen, [Eliza] Mrs. J. H. Mullins, of a daughter [Caroline B.].’21Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 13 February 1858, p 3.
    • The marriage of ‘WHITTINGHAM-MULLINS.October 5, 1892, at St. Paul’s Church, Oakland, California, by the Robert Ritchie, John Matthew, eldest son of John Whittingham, of Melbourne, to Caroline Betsy, second daughter of John Harford Mullins, of Araluen, N.S.W. was reported in the Australian Town and Country Journal.22Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870-1919), Saturday 19 November 1892, p 46.
    • In September 1938, the Braidwood Dispatch23Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 23 September 1938, p 2. reported ‘The death occurred at Vaucluse, Sydney, on Friday night last of Mrs. J. Whittingham, after a brief illness, at the age of 80 years… A Miss Carrie Mullins, sister of Mr. J. A. Mullins, she was born at Upper Araluen, but left there with a sister to attend college in Sydney when very young. Her husband predeceased her about 22 years ago. She leaves a grown-up family of one son and two daughters. Through the whole of her long life the deceased always treasured memories of the beautiful Araluen Valley — and it was really beautiful when she lived there, before the miners and dredges tore it up and despoiled its fertile flats.’
  3. John Ash (1860-1942) married Susannah Gardiner (1869-1914) in Braidwood in 1892, and they had three children; Eliza (1892-1892),, Accessed 27 December 2024. Lucy (1894-1982) and John Edward (1897-1968).
    • In January 1915, the Queanbeyan Leader25Queanbeyan Leader (NSW : 1905-1916), Tuesday 12 January 1915, p 2. reported ‘The death is announced of Mrs. J. A. Mullins of Araluen, who had been a patient sufferer for some time’. Susannah Mullins nee Gardiner is at rest in the Araluen Church of England Cemetery., Accessed 27 December 2024.
    • In January 1943, the Braidwood Review27Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1914-1954), Tuesday 5 January 1943, p 2. reported on the passing of Mr J.A. Mullins. ‘Deep regret was expressed throughout the district when word was received of the death of Mr. John Ash Mullins, of Araluen, on Xmas night in Braidwood Hospital. The fine old man was one of the identities of the district, known and respected by all sections of the community. He had only been ill a few days, and was taken to the doctor on Xmas night at about 7 p.m … He spent some time …in the ‘Review’ office telling of the old days in Araluen. His reminiscences were highly interesting, vividly portraying many of the hectic happenings of ‘the roaring days’ of the golden Valley. He had a wonderful memory and was a remarkable old warrior in many ways…Born at Araluen 82 years ago, he was first employed as a letter carrier at Braidwood post office, being one of the first in the district to act in this capacity. Later he used to carry fruit to Braidwood in a waggonette, and afterwards dabbled in mining and then started grazing. In the early days he bred some good draught horses, and was a splendid bush rider. Often many of the local people sought his help in running stock in from the bush country. He had many friends in the district who all liked this kindly, wiry old gentleman. Quiet and unobtrusive he took no active part in public affairs, but was always ready and willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in trouble and to assist any worthy cause. The passing of this fine old type will be generally deplored. The death of his only brother, George, in Victoria three months ago proved a heavy shock to the old man. He is survived by one son, Jack,[John Edward], a daughter, Mrs. J. McGuire (Lucy), of Auburn, and his eldest sister, [Eliza] who is 86 years of age and resides in Queensland.’
    • The Sydney Morning Herald reported MULLINS.—December 25, 1942, John Ash Mullins, of Araluen, loving father of Lucy (Mrs. McGuire) and Jack [John Edward] and fond grand-father of Jack, Alma, and Kathleen, aged 82 years.28Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Tuesday 5 January 1943, p 8. John Ash Mullins is at rest in the Araluen Church of England, Accessed 27 December 2024.
    • John Ash’s son John Edward Mullins (1897-1968) married Emily Amelia Worldon in 1947 and they had five children; Kate, John, Linda, Christine, and Lucy, J.30FindaGrave, Accessed 6 January 2025. The Braidwood Dispatch31Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 12 September 1947, p 2. reported ‘A wedding of local interest took place in Araluen on Thursday, 4th September, [1947] when Miss Emily Amelia Worldon became the wife of Mr. John Edward Mullins, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Mullins, at the Union Church… An old custom very much in vogue in the country in the early days, that of tin-keetling the newly-married couple, was revived at Araluen on the night following the Mullins—Worldon wedding. A crowd of about 30 arrived outside the residence belting old tins and ringing bells and otherwise making a devil of a row. As the party appeared intent on keeping up the din indefinitely the newlyweds perforce had to invite them to have a drink and a bite… Weddings in the Valley do not occur very often, but when they do well-wishers of the happy couple certainly believe in making most of the occasion.’
    • John Edward Mullins is at rest in the Araluen Church of England Cemetery.32FindaGrave, Accessed 27 December 2024.
  4. Lucretia Alice (1862-1937) married William Jack in 1885, in Braidwood 33NSW Birth Death Marriages, NSW BDM Marriage Certificate – 4269/1885. Accessed 27 December 2024.
    • The Braidwood Dispatch34Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 22 October 1937, p 2. reported ‘The death occurred at Arncliffe, Sydney, on 6th October[1937] of Mrs. W. Jack, who was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. J. H. Mullins, of Araluen, and sister of Mr. J. A. Mullins. Deceased left Araluen after her marriage and resided at Arncliffe for the remainder of her life… Deceased was 75 years of age, and is survived by a husband, one son (William, of Sydney) and two daughters (Mrs. H. H. L’Oste-Brown, Sydney and Mrs. W. P. Stephens, Melbourne). She always enjoyed a visit to the old Valley and often visited her brother. Deceased was an admirable type of woman, kindly and charitable, and possessing a bright, cheery disposition.’
  5. George Edward (1864-1942) George Edward  Mullins died in 194235Victoria Birth Death Marriages, Vic BDM Death Certificate – 29399/1942. Accessed 27 December 2024., aged 78, at Bruthen in Victoria.


  • 1
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Saturday 12 October 1901, p 2.
  • 2
    NSW Land Registry Service, Parish and Historical Maps. Historical Land Records Viewer Accessed 5 December 2024.
  • 3
    Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883-1930), Monday 6 June 1892, p 1.
  • 4, Accessed 27 December 2024.
  • 5
    Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Wednesday 9 October 1901, p 5.
  • 6
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Saturday 12 October 1901, p 2.
  • 7, Accessed 27 December 2024.
  • 8
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Saturday 7 September 1907, p 5. THE BRAIDWOOD GOLDFIELDS IN THE 50s AND 60s.  (Written for the Braidwood Dispatch) [By an old Hand].
  • 9
    Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 3 October 1857, p 3.
  • 10
    Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Saturday 6 November 1858, p 1.
  • 11
    Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 10 September 1859, p 2.
  • 12
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 23 October 1925, p 2.
  • 13
    Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1932), Saturday 28 September 1861, p 5.
  • 14
    Braidwood News and Southern Goldfields General Advertiser (NSW : 1864), Saturday 22 October 1864, p 3.
  • 15
    Greville’s Official Post Office Directory, listed on Araluen History in Photo’s Facebook page, posted 2 July 2014, and accessed 9 September 2023.
  • 16
    Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875–1876 Accessed 18 February 2023, p 20.
  • 17
    Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883-1930), Wednesday 24 July 1889, p 3.
  • 18
    Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 22 November 1856, p 5.
  • 19
    Sydney Daily Telegraph (NSW : 1879-883), Saturday 3 January 1880, p 4.
  • 20
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 21 April 1944, p 2.
  • 21
    Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848-1859), Saturday 13 February 1858, p 3.
  • 22
    Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870-1919), Saturday 19 November 1892, p 46.
  • 23
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 23 September 1938, p 2.
  • 24, Accessed 27 December 2024.
  • 25
    Queanbeyan Leader (NSW : 1905-1916), Tuesday 12 January 1915, p 2.
  • 26, Accessed 27 December 2024.
  • 27
    Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1914-1954), Tuesday 5 January 1943, p 2.
  • 28
    Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Tuesday 5 January 1943, p 8.
  • 29, Accessed 27 December 2024.
  • 30
    FindaGrave, Accessed 6 January 2025.
  • 31
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 12 September 1947, p 2.
  • 32
    FindaGrave, Accessed 27 December 2024.
  • 33
    NSW Birth Death Marriages, NSW BDM Marriage Certificate – 4269/1885. Accessed 27 December 2024.
  • 34
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1889; 1895; 1897-1954), Friday 22 October 1937, p 2.
  • 35
    Victoria Birth Death Marriages, Vic BDM Death Certificate – 29399/1942. Accessed 27 December 2024.