Reflections on the past
The following recordings provide unique insights into life in the valley as some of our longstanding residents remember them.
Clem Wilson
Clem Wilson was born in Sydney but spent all of his childhood in the Araluen Valley.
Clem’s grandparents, Jack and Ann, ran the Araluen Hotel and through the depression years Clem lived there with his mother.
Clem takes us down memory lane to a time when the valley was almost self sufficient in food with veggies being grown, poultry, pigs and cattle, all keeping the pub meals large and tasty and having fun with friends at school.
Through Clem’s stories we can imagine the valley in a time we will never see again.
Thank you for sharing that time with us, Clem.

Les Mundy
Les Mundy is a descendent of one of the original families in the Valley and talks about what it was like to grow up in the Valley in the 1960s and 70s.
In this recording, Les touches on daily family life; his early schooling years; how he spent his free time; and the types of social events which bought the community together.
Les reflects on how Araluen has progressed over the years. His observations are informative, humorous and insightful, providing a first-hand account of early life in the Valley.

Lorna Sutherland
Lorna was born in Araluen in 1930 and lived in the valley until she married at the age of 24 and went to live at Moruya.
She grew up in a lively household with 6 sisters and 4 brothers.
In this lovely chat with her niece Donna Harrison, she takes us through what life was like growing up in the valley, going to school, working at the pub and looking after children for local families; life before electricity and much more.
Lorna takes us back to life in the valley almost 100 years ago.

Woodland Collection
Oral Histories, as Chris Woodland [Araluen a History through Photographs 2014] writes, provide a wealth of information “as no two people recall an incident as it happened, precise facts can be a casualty , though the general essence is not lost as the informant interpretation may enhance or place a particular emphasis on any one event”.
The Chris Woodland Collection at the National Library of Australia contains 27 tape recordings and digital tapes of traditional music, recitations, folklore and oral histories recorded in New South Wales between 1968 and 1995. Several of the interviews deal with the history of Araluen, while others discuss the work of drovers, bullock drivers, shearers and stockmen.
They include:
Keith Harrison
Interviewed by Chris Woodland for the Chris Woodland folklore collection [sound recording] by Harrison, Keith Pierre, 1932- 1993 Sept. 13.
Harrison talks about his family background; early history and personalities of Araluen; dredging operations; layout of area; effects of fire in 1939; impact of Depression; cattle breeding and anecdotes about early Araluen residents.
To listen to the recording go to:
Doris Greenwood
Interviewed by Chris Woodland for the Chris Woodland folklore collection [sound recording] by Greenwood, Doris 1990 July 3.
Doris Greenwood born on the Clarence River, N.S.W. talks about her family history; her father being born in Araluen, N.S.W. in 1870; the town of Araluen and her memories; a story of Mr Alley and bushrangers in the 1860s; leaving Araluen in the mid 1930s; later returning to find that all the shops and houses were gone; the town and families living in the area; attending dances and balls; singing around the piano on Sunday afternoons; attending a convent school, her memories of drama, music and dancing around the maypole at school concerts; the teachers.
To listen to the recording go to:
Mick Collins
Interviewed by Chris Woodland in Chris Woodland folklore collection [sound recording] by Collins, Mick (Michael), 1904-1990 1982-1983.
Michael “Mick” Collins formerly of Araluen, talks about Araluen; goldfields; early A.C.T. transport (he drove Bus No. 2); involvement as union representative of the Transport Union; building of Old Parliament House and Cotter Dam.
To listen to the recording go to: