1864-1866 – George Armstrong
1867-1868 – Joseph Brissett
Upper Araluen
The Caledonian Inn was located at the foot of the Mountain Road, as detailed in an advertisement in September 1863 regarding the Araluen Spring Races1Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 26 September 1863, p 6.
In the News
In December 1862, the Freeman’s Journal2Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1932), Wednesday 31 December 1862, p 6 reported in an article titled Floods in Araluen ‘In Armstrong’s Caledonia[n] Hotel at the foot of the mountain, the water was several inches in depth.’
In January 1863, the Freeman’s Journal reporting on the weather noted a thunderstorm 3Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 – 1932), Wednesday 21 January 1863, page 5 “with torrents of rain .. [and] at Major’s Creek there appears to have been more rain than in any other place, .. a gentleman who happened to be near the Falls [suggests] that the rush of water into the Araluen Valley below was tremendous and carried all before it, and consequently a considerable amount of damage has been done amongst the claims. Armstrong’s Caledonia[n] Inn at the foot of the mountain was flooded, but independent of the damage done to the claims, the rain which fell all through Wednesday night will be of immense service to the parched and withered herbage in the valley, which had become so scant that many of the diggers had to send their horses to Reidsdale and other places at the top of the mountain to save them from absolute starvation”.

An advertisement was placed in the Araluen Star in January 18644Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 2 January 1864, p 1, for ‘F.A. Pickerton, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of London and Edinburgh, who may be consulted at all hours, at Mr. George Armstrong’s Caledonian Hotel, Upper Araluen.’
In 1868, Joseph Brissett is recorded as the licensee for The Rising Sun and for the Caledonia[n] Inn, both in Upper Araluen.5New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Wednesday 26 August 1868 (No.208 [SUPPLEMENT]), p 2871