Cottage of Content

Publican – licensed victualler

1859-1860 – John Carney


Favourite Flat; Carney’s house1Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1954), Saturday 23 November 1907, p 2 was no longer visible after the 1860 flood. On Friday night and Saturday morning the 10th and 11th of February, 1860, the raging flood waters wrought havoc on Favourite Flat.

In the News

A list of estates surrendered in 18582Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Monday 3 January 1859, p 4 suggests John Carney, Sydney, builder had liabilities of over £20,000 and assets over £30,000.

The Illawarra Mercury on 21 February 1860 published an article entitled ‘Fearful Flood on the Braidwood Diggins. Upwards of Twenty Lives Lost’ reported3Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856-1950), Tuesday 21 February 1860, p 3 The most distressing reports that have reached us are from the Araluen. Mr and Mrs Carney and family, of the Cottage of Content, house and property were all swept away by this terrible flood, only one son, a lad, being left alone to make known his irreparable loss. The bodies of the Carney family (7 in number) had not been found.

The Empire newspaper in February 18604Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Monday 20 February 1860, p 3 reported ‘Mr. J. Carney and family were people of the highest respectability, and until recently, owing to reverses of fortune, he held a prominent position in Sydney as one of the largest master builders in the metropolis, and was a few years since, worth over £40,000. A daughter of this unhappy family [Sarah], who has been educated at Subiaco, [Perth, Western Australia] is still, we believe, staying with a friend in Sydney.’

The Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction5New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Tuesday 9 October 1860 (No.186), p 1930 notice in October 1860 for John Carney, late of Araluen licensed victualler, provides notice that ‘the goods, chattels, credits, and effects of the above-named deceased, may be granted to Frances Mary Woods, one of the next of kin of the said deceased, and to Joseph Woods, of Newtown, near Sydney, the husband of the said Frances Mary Woods. —Dated this 8th day of October 1860.’

In 1878,6Monaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser (NSW : 1862-1931), Saturday 4 May 1878, p 4 an inquest was held the Araluen Arms, Redbank, before Mr. Bann, Coroner, upon the remains of a human being found a few days previously in the vicinity of Deua River. The jury returned a verdict that, ‘the remains are those of an adult female, and that how she came by her death there is no evidence to show. The body is thought to be that of Annie Carney, who was drowned, in the flood in February, I860, but whose body was not recovered.’

In 1934, the Braidwood Review and District Advocate newspaper7Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1915-1954), Tuesday 22 May 1934, p 5 article entitled the ‘Big Flood of 1860’ reported ‘The names of the victims who were drowned when Carney’s house was swept away are: — Mr. John Carney, builder, of Sydney, aged 48; Mrs. John Carney, aged 39; Henrietta Carney, aged 13; Joseph Carney, aged 11; John Carney, aged 8; Genevieve Carney, aged 5; and Charles Henry Carney, aged 1 year and 10 months. Augustus Carney, who is an expert swimmer, heroically endeavoured to save his mother and baby, but unfortunately lost sight of her and his father and the rest of the family. After this he took to a log, and was then swept as far as the Barrett’s, where he was rescued by Mr. T. Mullins and Mr. Kidd.’


  • 1
    Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888-1954), Saturday 23 November 1907, p 2
  • 2
    Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Monday 3 January 1859, p 4
  • 3
    Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856-1950), Tuesday 21 February 1860, p 3
  • 4
    Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Monday 20 February 1860, p 3
  • 5
    New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Tuesday 9 October 1860 (No.186), p 1930
  • 6
    Monaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser (NSW : 1862-1931), Saturday 4 May 1878, p 4
  • 7
    Braidwood Review and District Advocate (NSW : 1915-1954), Tuesday 22 May 1934, p 5