- 1860 – 1862 – James Grover
- 1862 – John Lublin
- 1863 – 1866 – James Edward Pakenham Glass 1New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 – 1900) Fri 20 Apr 1866 [Issue No.91] Page 1033
- 1866 – 1867 – Reuben Casey (also noted at Little River in 1865)
Location – Cricketers’ Flat, Crown Flat, Araluen.
In the News.
Following the 1860 Flood it was reported that Mr. Cobb attended at Mr. Grover’s, Crown Flat, Middle Araluen, in June 1860 2Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842 – 1954), Tuesday 5 June 1860, page 5 ‘for the purpose of paying the amounts awarded by the committee to those individuals who claimed relief for damage done by the disastrous floods of February last. Upwards of £1100 was paid away by Mr. Cobb, but we believe that there are still some other applications for relief to be taken into consideration’.
The Braidwood Observer, as detailed in the Freeman’s Journal in 1861, 3Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW: 1850 – 1932), Wed 4 Dec 1861, Page 3 notes ‘litigation about water right at Cricketer’s Flat opposite Mr. Grover’s, Crown Flat, Araluen, has been justly and amicably arranged, and operations were to be commenced at 3 o’clock on Thursday afternoon. Business on all the diggings continues to improve, and a goodly number of buildings are in course of erection at Araluen.’
The Braidwood Observer 4Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859 – 1862), Saturday 7 June 1862, page 2 reported in June 1862 the ‘Doncaster Coach arrived at Braidwood shortly before four o’clock yesterday afternoon, with thirteen passengers including Mr. Lublin and family, proceeding to the Araluen, where Mr Lublin has purchased the Cricketer’s Arms from Mr. Grover for £800’. James Grover, detailed as late of the Cricketer’s Arms, placed an advertisement dated 11 July 1862 in the Braidwood Observer 5Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW: 1859 – 1862), Saturday 12 July 1862, page 3 for the Welcome Inn, next to the Court House, [Burketown] Araluen, to notify that ‘he has purchased the good will of the Welcome Inn which he intends to open on obtaining the transfer.’

An advertisement was placed by John Lublin, in the Braidwood Observer 6Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW: 1859 – 1862), Wednesday 5 November 1862, page 3 addressing the ‘Cricketer’s of Araluen’, notifying of a meeting ‘on November 6th, to take into consideration the Challenge of the Braidwood Team, for Monday the 10th’ November 1862. (See above).
John Lublin placed an advertisement in the Braidwood Observer 7Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW: 1859 – 1862), Saturday 29 November 1862, page 3 to advise the pricing at the Cricketer’s Arms for ‘A Ball and Supper…on Monday evening December 1st 1862. Single Tickets 3s., Double Tickets 5s.’ In 1863 John Lublin was the publican at the Diggers Rest in Redbank.

A Monster treat for the people was advertised in the Araluen Star in October 1863 8Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863- 1964), Saturday 24 October 1863, page 3 detailing the one nights’ entertainment on 23 October 1863, which would be provided at Mr Glass’ Cricketers’ Arms. This is to include Mr Frazer McGregor in full Highland Costume and nine other talented artists, from Theatres including the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, the Royal Amphitheatre San Francisco, Theatre Royal Melbourne, Royal Italian Theatre, Convent Garden London, and the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney.

The Araluen Star in November 1863 9Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863- 1964), Saturday 7 November 1863, page 2, reported a meeting of the Cricketers of Araluen, took place at Mr Glass’ Cricketers Flat, for the purpose of entertaining a challenge sent by St Vincent Braidwood.
The Araluen Star 10Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863- 1964), Saturday 27 Feb 1864 page 3, noted a meeting held in February 1864 at Mr Glass’ Cricketers Arms to further the project of establishing a Bank in Araluen.

In December 1863, the Araluen Star 11Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863- 1964), Saturday 12 December 1863, page 3, noted a meeting of the Araluen Cricket Club to be held December 1863.
An insolvency meeting into the insolvent Estate of James Edward Packenham Glass, of Cricketer’s Flat, Araluen, in the Colony of New South Wales, innkeeper, was held on the 8 March 1864. 12New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 – 1900), Tuesday 15 March 1864 (No.52), page 670
By 1866 the licensee of the Cricketers’ Arms is detailed as Reuben Casey, of Araluen, (and perhaps Little River) and by 1868 is noted as John Eggerton, of Little River.