1863-1864 – John Lublin
1864-1867 – James Costello1New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Tuesday 7 August 1866 (No.152 [SUPPLEMENT]), p 1847.
In the News
In 1862 John Lublin is listed as the licensee for the Cricketer’s Arms at Crown Flat.
In March 1863, the Freemans Journal2Freeman’s Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1932), Wednesday 11 March 1863, p 3. reported the hearing of ‘… great accounts of the new diggings at Araluen. The whole of the ground between Lublin’s public house and Alek Chrystie’s [Kangaroo Inn] is taken up, and Mr Mullins the private commissioner is as busy as he can be in pegging out the ground, in various parts of which some first-rate prospects have been obtained.’ The Empire added3Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Wednesday 11 March 1863, p 5. ‘The line along which the gold has been traced leads from the rear of Lublin’s hotel along the dry creek coming from the mountains, and proceeds in this direction a certain distance when it strikes across the plains towards Chrystie’s.’
An advertisement was placed in The Araluen Star in December 1863,4Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 12 December 1862, p 3, titled ‘Dancing’, and advised that ‘Mr Charles Martin has opened a private class, in Mr Lublin’s Large Room, Redbank, every Thursday, for those wishing to gain the acquirement of dancing’. 5Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 12 December 1863, p 3.

The Araluen Star in January 18646Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863- 1964), Saturday 2 January 1864, p 1 reported on the grand German Association Ball, held on New Year’s Eve, at Mr Lublin’s The Diggers Rest at Redbank. An advertisement for this upcoming event was also placed in the Araluen Star on 26 December 1863.7Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 26 December 1863, p 1.
On the 27th March 1864,the Sydney Morning Herald reported a marriage ‘at Araluen, by the Rev. C. H. Rich, M.A., of Horace, youngest son of the Rev. D. Harding, Vicar of Burton, near Cambridge, England, to Bertha Alberta, second daughter of Mr. John Lublin, of Araluen‘.8Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842-1954), Tuesday 5 April 1864, p 1.
The Insolvency meeting into the insolvent estate of James Costello, of Araluen, gold miner was scheduled to be held at the Court House, Braidwood, on Thursday, the 18th day of May, 1871.9New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Tuesday 18 April 1871 (No.88), p 868.
A notice was given in the 1873 NSW Police Gazette10New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860-1930), Wednesday 30 July 1873 (No.31), p 220., stating ‘that at 10:00pm on the 25 July 1873, some persons attempted to break into the house of James Costello, Golden Point, Araluen. An alarm was given by Mrs Costello, [which is] when the offenders decamped‘.