1859-1860 – David Buchanan and John Robinson
Lower Araluen.
In the News
An advertisement dated 12 July 1859 was placed in the Braidwood Observer1Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 27 August 1859, p 1. (see above) noting that David Buchanan from the Fountain of Friendship ‘will purchase GOLD in any quantities at full prices, and is prepared to give the Mint returns for parcels of 20 ounces and upwards’.
In July 1859, the Empire2Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Saturday 23 July 1859, p 3. reported ‘Mr. White, the photographic artist, is busily engaged at the “Fountain of Friendship” in immemoralizing [memorializing] the human face divine. The diggers are showing their wisdom in availing themselves of the opportunity afforded of having correct likenesses taken of themselves, for the purpose of being transmitted to absent friends.’
A novel challenge was detailed in the Braidwood Observer3Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 27 August 1859, p 2. in August 1859 where ‘Mr. G.R. Miller bets W. Mason, of Araluen, the sum of £20 that he cannot wheel in a barrow the said G.R. Miller from the Fountain of Friendship to Mr. Scantlebury’s, the Rose and Crown, Crown Flat, in two hours. The present line of road as used by drays, &c., to be traversed. The challenge has been accepted and the deposits lodged in Mr. Robinson’s hands. This novel affair is to come off immediately after the decision of the foot race between Sweeney and Frost. Much interest is evinced as to the result.’

Visiting Surgeon, Dr John Redhead placed an advertisement in the Braidwood Observer4Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 27 August 1859, p 4. in August 1859 detailing he had opened temporary premises adjoining Mr. Robinson’s Fountain of Friendship, ‘where Miners and others on these and the adjoining diggings can obtain medical advice and medicines of every kind at any time’.
In reporting on the February 1860 floods the Braidwood Dispatch, as re-printed in the Illawarra Mercury5Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856-1950), Friday 24 February 1860, p 4] THE BRAIDWOOD FLOOD.ARALUEN.(From the Braidwood Dispatch, February 18.). stated ‘We cannot do better than give Mr T.[Thomas] North’s [Araluen Arms] version of the calamity at this place … went down the creek as far as the ‘Star Hotel‘, but could not get any further; at this time everything appeared to have been washed clean away from Favorite Flat … we then went lower down, clambering over the side of the ranges, wishing to learn the worst; got opposite to Robinson’s, where, after repeated efforts to be understood, we learned that Mr and Mrs Carney and five children [Cottage of Content] had been swept away—their oldest boy alone being saved, and that trooper Smith had shared the same melancholy fate.’

the Fountain of Friendship Inn, and Star Hotel in March 1860
John Robinson and David Buchanan advertised in the Braidwood Observer6Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 31 March 1860, p 4. giving notice, dated 20th March 1860, that their partnership had been dissolved by mutual consent and that John Robinson would be accountable for the debts incurred by the Fountain of Friendship and that David Buchanan would be accountable for the debts incurred by the Star Hotel.

In August 1860 the Braidwood Observer7Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 29 August 1860, p 2 and New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Friday 22 February 1861 (No.45), p 486. published information regarding the insolvency surrender of John Robinson, Publican of Araluen, with the official assignee designated as Mr. Mackenzie. A notice was then placed for an auction to be held on 17 September 1860, for the Fountain of Friendship Inn, Lower Araluen.8Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 15 September 1860, p 3.
In November 1860, the Braidwood Observer9Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 17 November 1860, p 2. reported ‘At the Upper Araluen the engine of Mr. Burnell has been erected on the edge of the Creek at the back of the Farm and Mr. Robinson of the Fountain of Friendship is about removing his license to a spot in the neighbourhood of the Farm near the house lately kept by Mr (William) Taylor, who has removed his sign (for the Welcome Inn) and license to Welcome Flat, (Burketown) on the opposite side of the Creek.’
The Araluen Star10Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 28 May 1864, p 2.reported in May 1864 regarding Publican Licenses, stated that ‘Mr Donald Davidson has applied for a licence for the House formerly kept by Mr Robinson, below the Police Court. (Burketown) The House is to be known by the name of The Shamrock Inn.’
In September 1860, David Buchanan is detailed as the licensee for the Star Hotel,11Licence 265, NSW State archives, 1 May 1860, Star Hotel, The District of Araluen NRS 14403 [7/1512]; Reel 1241 [Museum of History New South Wales. https://mhnsw.au/indexes/publicans-hoteliers-innkeepers/publicans-licenses-index. Accessed 14 February 2023. at Crown Flat, Araluen.12Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859-1862), Saturday 19 September 1860, p 3.