– 1860 – Stephen Poppenhager[n]
1860-1862 – George Potton
1862-1867 – Stephen Poppenhager[n]
Bells Creek, Araluen Road.
Historical maps1Historical Maps NSW Land Registry Service, Parish and Historical Maps. Historical Land Records Viewer https://www.nswlrs.com.au/Parish-and-Historical-Maps Accessed 18 February 2023. indicate the land purchased by Stephen Poppenhager was as set out in the table .
Purchased | Por | Plan | Loc | Vol | Fol | |
Poppenhager, Stephen | 30 | 392 | NW | 17 | 185 | |
Poppenhager, Stephen | 1865 | 31 | 392 | NW | 17 | 164 |
Poppenhager, Stephen | 1867 | 249 | 724 | NW | 60 | 188 |
Poppenhager, Stephen | 1876 | 377* | 923 | NE | 286 | 59 |
Jean Poppenhager | 1868 | 369 | 772 | NW | 68 | 131 |

In the News
The Empire2Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Tuesday 21 February 1860, p 3. noted, following the floods of 1860, that the Dirty Butter Creek Track, ‘is now perfectly safe for horsemen to travel on, as the requisite repairs have been performed by Mr. Poppenhagen, [Poppenhager] of Bell’s Creek‘.
The Braidwood Observer 3Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW : 1859 – 1862), Wednesday 18 April 1860, page 2 in April 1860 reporting on the Annual meeting regarding of Publican’s Licenses held at the Court-house, Braidwood, listed ‘Stephen Poppenhager, Half-way House , Bells Creek. ‘

George Potton, placed an advertisement dated September 6th 1860, in the Braidwood Observer 4Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW: 1859 – 1862), Saturday 29 September 1860, page 4 advising the residents of Bell’s Creek, that ‘he has taken out a transfer of the license …for the Half-way House…[with] a choice selection of Wines and Spirits will be kept in stock… to warrant a full extension of public favour and support’. In August 1862, George placed an advertisement in the Braidwood News 5Braidwood News and Goldfields General Advertiser (NSW: 1862), Tuesday 26 August 1862, page 3 advising that ‘having obtained a license for … [The Mountain Inn, Top of the Dirty Butter Mountain Road, Bell’s Creek.]’, respectfully solicits the patronage of all who have occasion to pass along this line of road.‘

In August 1862, S.T. [Stephen] Poppenhager[n] placed an advertisement in the Braidwood News6Braidwood News and Goldfields General Advertiser (NSW: 1862), Tuesday 26 August 1862, page 3 to inform that ‘he has again entered the House himself, and hopes… [it] will resume its …position as the favoured House of Call.’
In 1863, the Araluen Star7Araluen Star and Miners’ Right (NSW : 1863-1864), Saturday 12 December 1863, p 2. advised that ‘The great annoyance felt by the diggers and other residents of the Valley, by their horses straying up the mountain, is now in a measure removed. In another part of our paper, it will be seen, that arrangements have been made by which all horses straying from the Valley, will be stopped and placed in a secure paddock on the top of the mountain, upon a paltry charge of two or three shillings. We beg to call attention to Mr Poppenhager’s advertisement in another column.’ (See below)

On 1 January 1864 the Goulburn Herald8Goulburn Herald (NSW : 1860-1864), Saturday 16 January 1864, p 2. reported a court hearing titled The Affray at the Poppenhager’s, where four persons were ‘charged with having, on the 1st January [1864], forcibly broken into the house of Stephen Poppenhager, of Bell’s Creek and unlawfully assaulted the said Stephen Poppenhager. … The marks upon the head of Mrs. Poppenhager, … showed that the affair was one of severity. A number of slabs and saplings were produced in court, alleged to have been the weapons used on the occasion‘. Also in January that year9New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860-1930), Wednesday 14 January 1874 (No.2), p 13. ‘Stephen Poppenhager, charged on warrant with … inflicting grievous bodily harm … arrested by Senior-sergeant Brennan and Senior-constable Murphy, Araluen Police’. A trial did not proceed.10Goulburn Herald (NSW : 1860-1864), Wednesday 13 January 1864, p 2.

Christmas fruits, from the best houses in Sydney, were advertised for sale in the Araluen Star11Araluen Star and Miners’ Right (NSW : 1863-1864), Saturday 9 January 1864, p 1. in January 1864, ‘as good and cheap as any other establishment in the district’ .
An Insolvency meeting into the insolvent Estate of Stephen Poppenhager, of Bell’s Creek, innkeeper was held in March, 1868.12New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Friday 8 May 1868 (No.111), p 1296.
Stephen Poppenhager – Contractor is noted in the 1875–76 Greville’s Official Post Office Directory13Greville’s Official Post Office Directory for 1875–1876 https://www.ihr.com.au/secure/html/greville75.html. Accessed 18 February 2023. (p49) in Bells Creek.
Following his death, aged 49, by accidental drowning, crossing the Moruya River on horseback, at Broulee on 14 August 1875,14Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870-1919), Saturday 14 August 1875, p 5. 15NSW Register of Coroner’s Inquests No. 701, August 1875. the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction noted Jean Poppenhager, as the widow of deceased Stephen Poppenhager.16New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Tuesday 11 January 1876 (No.8), p 129.