1862- 1863 – A. Christie
1864 – Richard Chynoweth
In the News
Dated 6 June 1862, A. [Alexander] Christie placed an advertisement in the Braidwood Observer 1Braidwood Observer and Miner’s Advocate (NSW: 1862), Wednesday 11 June 1862, page 4 to notify that ‘he has opened the … [Kangaroo Inn, and that] in about a fortnight when the Ball Room will be finished, … he intends to give a Ball and Supper, [and is] anticipating a strong muster on the occasion’.
In December 1863, the NSW Government Gazette2New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Friday 11 September 1863 (No.176), p 1979. reported the Insolvent Estate of Robert Alexander Christie, of Araluen, in the district of Braidwood, innkeeper.

In December 1863, The Araluen Star reported that ‘Mrs. Wolloughby appeared on remand to answer a charge of Sly Grog Selling, for having, on the 14th November 1863, sold to one Alexander Christie one half pint of spirits, to wit a liquor called brandy. Mr. Scarvell appeared for the defendant. The prosecutor applied for an adjournment until the arrival of Mr. Fell, who had been engaged for the prosecution.3Araluen Star and Miners’ Right (NSW : 1863-1864), Saturday 26 December 1863, p 2.

An advertisement was placed in The Araluen Star in February 1864,4Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 13 February 1864, p 1. titled the Noble Art of Self Defence and stating that lessons will be given by a competent member of the P.R. at the Kangaroo Inn, Redbank, every Monday and Saturday evening. This issue of the Araluen Star also details the For Sale notice for the commodious family dwelling known as Mrs Wolloughby’s boarding establishment in Redbank.
The Araluen Star reports in April 1864 – License Transfers,5Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 30 April 1864, p 2. stating that the licence of the Kangaroo Inn, Redbank, was transferred from A. Christie, to Richard Chymouth [Chynoweth].
The July 1868, New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime reported ‘Richard Chynoweth, Araluen, summoned by Sergeant Brennan for not having his brewery registered as directed by the 17th Sec., 13th Vic., No. 26, and was fined the mitigated penalty of £2 14s., including costs‘. The fine paid,6New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860 1930), Wednesday 1 July 1868 (No.27), p 197. and brewery registered. 7Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860-1871), Saturday 22 August 1868, p 9.
In 1869, Richard Chynoweth is listed as holding a Publican license for the Malster’s Arms, Newtown.8New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Tuesday 24 August 1869 (No.180 [SUPPLEMENT]), p 2131.