1864-1870 – Frederick E. Scantlebury
In the News
The Araluen Star reported1Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 12 March 1864, p 3. on Sunday 6 March 1864, at Braidwood, Margaret, the beloved wife of Mr Frederick Scantlebury, of Araluen died, aged 31, leaving 3 young children to mourn their loss. An advertisement was placed in the Araluen Star, dated 11 March 18642Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 12 March 1864, p 3. by Frederick Scantlebury, addressed to his friends in Araluen and Braidwood, and thanking them for their tribute of esteem, in following his late deceased wife Margaret, aged 31, to her graveside in Braidwood.
License Transfers in April 18643Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 30 April 1864, p 2. were detailed in the Araluen Star stating ‘this week Mr Scantlebury obtained a licence for his new house at Redbank, under the sign of the Steam Engine Hotel’. Frederick was previously the licensee for the Rose and Crown at Crown Flat from 1859 to 1864.

In June 1864, The Araluen Star details an 0dd Fellowship meeting to be held4Araluen Star and Miners Right (1863-1964), Saturday 4 June 1864, p 2. ‘Thursday next at Mr Scantlebury’s, the Steam’ Engine Hotel, Redbank, of those who intend joining the United Brothers of friendship lodge, to be held at the above house. It is desirable that intending members should be punctual. The dispensation was obtained some months back and it is intended to open the lodge at an early day.’
Frederick’s wedding was noted in the Empire in July 1865 “SCANTLEBURY—POTTS—On the 12th July 1865, at Braidwood, by special license, Mr. Frederick E. Scantlebury, of Red Bank Araluen, to Lizzie, youngest daughter of Mr. James Potts, late of Surry Hills.5Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Wednesday 19 July 1865, p 1. An announcement in The Empire in February 1866 details the birth of their daughter, born prematurely on “the 10th February 1866 at her residence, Steam Engine Hotel, Redbank, Araluen, the wife of Frederick E. Scantlebury, of a daughter.6Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850-1875), Tuesday 27 February 1866, p 1.

The Insolvent Estate of Frederick Scantlebury, of Araluen, innkeeper was detailed in the New South Wales Government Gazette7New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832-1900), Tuesday 9 April 1867 (No.59), p 927. in April 1867.